

S : Who are you?
M: Jim Moriarty.
M: Bye!
S : Consulting criminal.
M: I have loved this, this little game of ours.
S : People have died.
M: That's what people DO!
S : I will stop you.
M: If you don't stop prying......I'll burn you.
M: I will burn the heart out of you.
S : Catch you later.
M: No, you won't!
M: Sorry,
boys! I'm SO changeable! It is a weakness with me, but to be fair to
myself, it is my only weakness. You can't be allowed to continue. You just
can't. I would try to convince you, but everything I have to say has already
crossed your mind.
S : Probably myanswer has crossed yours. 这个是夏洛克对茉莉说的一段独白,一分钟左右
S : Come on,surely you see. The others are slapdash. It's for someone special. The shade of
red echoes her lipstick-either an unconscious association, or one she's
deliberately trying to encourage. Either way, Miss Hooper has love on her mind.
That she's serious about him is clear from the fact she's giving him a gift.
That she's seeing him tonight is evident from her make-up and clothes.Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts.