

在聊天过程中,女生提到“我吃饭去了”时,你可以回复:“好的,吃完记得给我发消息哦。” 这样的回答, compared to a simple "Go ahead," provides her with a natural reason to reach out to you again, making it feel like a logical step for her to take.
To foster a connection, it's important to share aspects of your lives. For instance, a guy might mention, "I just had a really full meal." Since guys are typically the initiators in romantic interactions, a girl is unlikely to initiate a conversation with such a comment unless she is quite interested or decides to take the initiative.
When the conversation is going well, you can deliberately end it, leaving her wanting more. You might say, "Alright, I need to get back to working on a project," (suggesting a high value activity) before exiting. By doing this, you create an air of mystery and anticipation, making her more likely to think of you and reach out.
I have compiled a "Chatting Guide" specifically for interactions with girls. If you send me a private message with the words "chat" or "聊天下", I will share it with you.