
其次,英语问题,一般都翻译成I can do it/I can make it/I can
英国朋友问我:能=can,行=will do,I dont understand complete meaning。

您好,楼主的英国朋友所说的“行=will do/to do”,按照这么理解的话,这个“行”就是行动/即将去做的意思,而非“我能行”当中的行的意思。

我能行=I am able to complete a certain thing/I can compete a certain thing successfully,我有能力完成某件事情

本人愚见,认为我能行当中的“行”,意为“成功的完成某件事情”的意思,“能”只是一个加强程度的一个副词。在外国人眼中,“我行”与“我能行”的区别就貌似“I can”和"I can do it"的区别

我行=I can
我能行=I can do it
第1个回答  2012-11-27
1. Chineses and English are not word-to-word correspondent, some times one Chinese character equals to a English phrase composed of several words, vise versa. Do not expect Chinese and English sentences will be same in the number of Characters/Words
第2个回答  2012-11-27
我 I
能 can
行 can,do

能行 can,can do (also 能,能行 i.e. 能)
我能行 I can,I can do.(also 我可以)
我能 I can.
我行 I can.
To a certain extent, '我能' or '我行' is the abbreviation for '我能行'. You see,'I can do' is often speaked as 'I can'.In fact,'能行' of this sentence is one rather than two Chinese words,which means 'can' or 'may',i.e. 能行=能=can.The similar example in English,pass on=pass.

Sometimes,a Chinese character or a sino-character is a word,but most of Chinese words is composed of 2 or 3 sino-characters,even 4 or more sino-characters,the latter is usually an idiom.In any two-grammar,it should be word-to-word rather than chracter-to-word or letter-to-word,which can frequently lead to errors.In a Chinese sentence,these characters are closely written in a row,it is difficult to identify which chracters are a word,especially for a non-native speaker.
第3个回答  2012-11-27
行=will do??为什么要加will,根据是什么?