

XIAN QINLING WILDLIFE PARK is the first northwest wildlife park. It’s 28 kilometers away from urban in xi’an. It has more than 300 kinds of animals and including animals, birds, amphibians and reptiles.
Animal exhibition has been divided into the driving and the walking area .The walking area is located in the western half of the zoo, covers of 130000 square meters and construction area of 16000 square meters. There has the big panda, golden monkey, hippo , kangaroo, elephant and the parrot gallery, swan lake in the Animal pavilion.
The transportation is so convenient in this park .because the electric power car can instead of walking. It also has special restaurant, amusement park, and other recreational facilities, it’s the collection of wild animals protection, science education, tourism and other functions in an comprehensive landscape projects; it’s worth to spend taking holiday in this wonderful place for everyone !
第1个回答  2012-12-19
Qinling Zoological Park is the first park of its kind to be established in the northwest region in China. 28 kilometers
(about 17 miles) south of the downtown area of Xian City, Shaanxi
Province, this zoological park has more than 300 species of animal, with
many different types of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.
Strolling into the park, the first thing that catches
your eyes is a group of wooden sculptures facing the gate. They have
been made to resemble lifelike and dainty human beings, eagles, black
bears, monkeys and other creatures, and tell different stories about
'man and animals' and 'man and nature'. And looking at these beautiful
and unforgettable sculptures, you would hardly guess that they've been
made from petrified wood. It is the wonderful skills of the gardeners
that endow these deadwoods with life again.
The animals' exhibition area is divided into two parts: the walking area and car-riding area.
The walking area lies in the west part of the park.
Here animals like China giant pandas, golden monkeys, brightly colored
parrots, groups of flamingoes, hippopotami, kangaroos and so on can be
seen. In addition, there are sea lions, seals, and groups of the largest
land mammal in the world - the Asian elephant. These beautiful animals
make this part of the park a very popular one.
The car-riding area is split into two further parts: one is exhibiting herbivores, the other carnivores.
The area of the herbivore exhibition is the largest
in all of China. Grass-eating animals indigenous to Africa like
giraffes, zebras, gnus and hartebeests can be found in the eastern part.
And 15 other kinds of animals are exhibited here for the first time in
the history of Xian. In the western part of the exhibit, you can find
grass-eating animals from Asia, such as the 'Ship in Desert'- the
Bactrian camel, and the 'Ship in Altiplano'- the yak, and so on.
In the carnivore show area, you have the chance to
see in person the tigers and cougars with the fearsome reputation of
'Kings of the Animals', and the hauntingly beautiful leopards that are
considered champion of the short-distance race amongst all beasts. Here,
the most fascinating and unforgettable thing is the ferocity of the
tigers and the lions. When a tourist car is driven into this area with
guests inside and food for the carnivores hanging outside, these beasts
walk next to the car at first and then chase it. This means tourists and
flesh-eating animals are beside each other with only a piece of glass
separating them. Exciting, isn't it? And what's more, when the beasts
jump and pounce on the food outside the car, the spectacle will take
your breath away. Be reassured, though, you're definitely quite safe!
Qinling Zoological Park offers visitors a free and
thoroughly natural environment to watch its animals. You can experience
the intimacy that can exist between animals and people when meek
creatures like peacocks and spotted deer come up to feed out of your
hands. This new way of visiting animals is a wonderful experience for
visitors. Here the animals you see are lively ones, living and playing
in the open air instead of losing the brutalization and their nature by
being caged.追问

