当外国人问你的中文姓名时 我是按照中国先说姓后说名 还是按照外国人先...


1. When a foreigner inquires about your Chinese name, it is customary to introduce it in the order of surname first, followed by the given name. In English, you can explain this by saying, "In China, it is common to mention the surname before the given name."
2. The naming tradition of listing the surname first and then the given name is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. This practice is increasingly respected and adopted by foreigners, so there's no need to accommodate their naming habits when introducing yourself.
3. Foreigners who come to China are usually aware of the custom of listing the surname first. As native Chinese, there's no need to compromise our traditions just to cater to their expectations; we should introduce ourselves in the manner we are accustomed to.
I hope this helps!