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Please spread love and responsibility like sunshine," Xinhua wrote in an editorial. "This is also a tragedy of 'left-behind children留守儿童,' which is a sign of the time and requires introspection from family, society and government."Many critics in China have fretted over为着急 decaying public morality as the country's economy rapidly grows and its people enjoy unprecedented wealth. A similar outcry强烈抗议,大声疾呼 erupted last year when a toddler学步的孩子 in Guangzhou was run over by two vehicles and then ignored by at least 18 passers-by.The latest incident has focused concern on the plight困境 of families in impoverished穷困的 rural areas. An estimated 58 million children countrywide lack sufficient supervision or stay in the care of grandparents when their parents seek work in China's booming cities.Some details of the boys' home life remain unclear. Their relatives lack telephones and could not be contacted, though some were quoted by Chinese media outlets媒介机构 who sent journalists to the extremely poor, mountainous region of mud huts where farmers earn about 3,000 yuan ($475) a year.The boys — Zhongjin, Zhonghong, Zhonglin, Chong and Bo — were found in a 1.5-meter-by-1.3-meter (5 foot-by-4 foot) garbage container in Bijie after a night of drizzling rain when temperatures were about 4 Celsius (40 Fahrenheit).Two of the fathers, ironically, are garbage collectors in the boom city of Shenzhen near Hong Kong, according to a Xinhua report. One of the mothers lives in Shenzhen and another reportedly left the family. The third brother and his wife are farmers in the Bijie area, though they apparently often left the boys to fend for照料 themselves, Xinhua said.Former journalist and Bijie resident Li Yuanlong posted online that the children had been spotted living in a temporary shelter with plastic cloth, bricks and plywood夹板,胶合板 at a nearby demolition拆除 site.Li, who broke the story on the deaths in an online posting, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that local officials in Bijie were not pleased with the coverage and that police there told him to leave the city for four or five days.Some observers have faulted挑剔 the family for not keeping closer watch over their children.


"How could grandparents take care of your child when you are away?" asked Beijing parking attendant Liang Hongjin, a migrant worker from Henan province.

However, much of the criticism has been direc


