
简短点的 120个单词左右

America's Independence Day, the United States are one of the main statutory holiday, the date of July 4th each year to commemorate the July 4, 1776 Continental Congress formally adopted in Philadelphia, "the Declaration of Independence." "Declaration of Independence" by Thomas Jefferson �6�1 drafting, July 4, 1776 by the Continental Congress adopted the revised special committees by the Continental Congress �6�1 John Hancock signed. "Declaration of Independence" explicitly states that all men are created equal, with the pursuit of happiness and freedom of the natural rights; most to enumerate the British colonialists in the crimes committed by the American continent; Finally the solemn declaration of the United States of America and independent from the United Kingdom. "Declaration of Independence" is the historical significance of the world's great literature. Through the "Declaration of Independence" has also become a day to commemorate the American people will holiday, Independence Day as the United States.