

第1个回答  2024-06-21
When I was eight years old, my parents and I embarked on a memorable trip to Hainan. We flew there, and as it was my first time on an airplane, I was filled with excitement and joy. Our stay lasted for four delightful days. The climate was agreeable, with refreshing air that invigorated us.
On our first day, we took a stroll along the beach. It was serene, with scarcely anyone in sight. The tranquility and joy we experienced were akin to strolling through our own private garden.
The following day, we visited Wuzhizhou Island. The water was pristine, making it an ideal spot for diving. There, we could admire the vastness of the sea and the clarity of the blue sky. Lying on the beach, we basked in the sound of the crashing waves. At one point, I felt as though I was floating on a boat above the blue sea. To explore the island further, we hopped on a sightseeing car. The wind was robust, creating a refreshing atmosphere. There were numerous water activities available, such as swimming and diving. We opted to go diving, and although we were not swimmers, the experience was absolutely fantastic.
On the third day, we ventured into the Yanuoda Rain Forest. We were awe-struck by the diverse array of trees and flowers. We also visited the Butterfly Valley, where we encountered numerous beautiful butterflies. It was truly a sight to behold.
Overall, our trip to Hainan was nothing short of magical. I cherish the memories and hope to return someday.