
某个愚蠢的亚洲国家又在抄袭中国文化。他们声称龙的起源和中国的汉字是他们的。之前还说中国的中秋节是他们的,甚至还说中国古代的伟大教育家孔子也是他们的。而事实是,在几百年前的中国他们只是中国的附属国。 他们总是爱抄袭别人的文化,为了满足自己的虚荣心。曾经缠着日本,现在又来缠着中国。哦 天呐,为什么他们还不满足,重复着之前的愚蠢行为。这种抄袭别国文化的行为是多么的可耻,为什么他们不感到害臊。

第1个回答  2013-04-22
Another foolish Asian country is copying Chinese culture. They claim that China's dragon and words originated from them. Before they even mentioned that China's Moon Festival is their's, furthermore, they say that China's great educator Confusious is their's. In reality, a few hundred years ago they belonged as China's territory. They always copy others' cultures in order to fulfill their vanity. Prior they pestered Japan, and now China. Oh god, why aren't they satisfied yet, instead of repeating their foolishness. This imitation of other cultures is so disgraceful, why don't they feel ashamed?