

第1个回答  2013-10-21
1.Be in your seat and prepared to work when the bell rings. 2.Follow all school rules. 3.Respect people and properly. 4.Do your own work. 5.Pay attention in class. 5. Do what you supposed to do. 6. Follow directions. 7.No electronic devices. 8.All electronic devices will be turned off and out away during instructional minutes.
1.当铃声响起在您的座位上做好准备工作。 2.遵守所有学校的规则。 3待人有礼。 4独立完成作业。 5.在课堂上高度集中。 5 做你该做的。 6 。找到遵循的方向。 7.禁止电子设备。 8.在上课的过程中所有电子装置必须关闭。
第2个回答  2013-04-17
No talking,no eating in class!
No cheating in exams!
No strange dressing in school!
第3个回答  2013-04-17
class regulation/rule
school regulation/rule