
If the thought of psychologically informed lifestyle change campaigns sounds a bit too Big Brother for your liking,then consider the alternative:millions of pounds spent on technology that is never taken up.and a market-based system of economic coercion that penalises the poor while the rich keep polluting在这里informed怎么翻译?翻译成有学问的不通顺啊

If the thought of psychologically informed lifestyle change campaigns sounds a bit too Big Brother for your liking, then consider the alternative: millions of pounds spent on technology that is never taken up, and a market-based system of economic coercion that penalises the poor while the rich keep polluting. Without an understanding of what drives people's environmental behaviour, the dream of a low-carbon society will remain forever out of reach.
翻译成:如果心理暗示的生活方式运动听上去对你的喜好太“老大哥”,那么考虑下面这个替代物:花费百万英镑却始终没有运作的技术;市场基础的国内经济系统 当富人在污染是却惩罚穷人。若没有理解是什么趋势着人们的环境行为,那么低碳社会的梦将永远实现不了。
而informed不要看单词,而是和前面的psychologically组合成词组看,psychologically informed解释为心理暗示(是心理学方面特定的词组)。在翻译的时候不要老是扣住单词不放,如果单独解释不通的话就和前面或者后面的单词放在一起,英语的单词组合千变万化,看似无厘头的单词组合往往是针对某方面的特定词组,所以在翻译英文的时候灵活使用是最重要的。
第1个回答  2013-05-08
第2个回答  2013-05-08