

第1个回答  2013-07-21
Self-confidence - the cornerstone of success

Socrates once said: "A man can have success, judging by his self-esteem and self-confidence whether these two conditions."
Thousands of years, in people's eyes, the fate is mysterious, not sure, can not control the hunger of a mysterious force, is the supreme master of the director of a lifetime, while the fate of human beings will always be the servants and slaves, half a century ago, a wise man Belgium Maurice �6�1 M. Maeterlinck tells us, people can become the director of fate rather than slaves, that can grasp and dominate and conquer the first condition is that the fate of self-confidence. Therefore, I think confidence is the cornerstone of our success.
A person self-confidence, it is necessary to overcome the low self-esteem, build self-confidence. In 1951, the British woman doctor shot Franklin from his X-ray diffraction in the double helix structure of DNA discovered through research, she put forward a bold hypothesis, and on this issue did a very good speech, but many of her The findings raise the question, doubt the authenticity of her photos and the reliability of the hypothesis, under these pressures, Franklin began to doubt myself: as a general practitioner, the theory put forward such a high sum, perhaps too much of himself, right? She was shaken. So, she publicly denied his own hypothesis proposed, and no longer continue down
Later in 1953, other scientists have confirmed the hypothesis, no self-confidence and success of Franklin missed out.
The ship of life, by each person himself at the helm, to muster confidence of sailing, sailing, boat races, arrived at the other side of success.
The famous astronomer, natural science pioneer Copernicus, the first affecting up to a thousand years of human Ptolemy geocentric doubts, denial. Countless millions of people were against and oppression, from beginning to end, he believed his own "spin the Earth around the sun rather than the sun around the earth" theory, nor give up, eventually, its heliocentric be should permit , Copernicus also successful. If he doubts when people doubted his ability, he would not have later success.
Self-confidence is not conceited, arrogant people like manufacturing illusory self-satisfied and hope to gain more than their actual value, sure, but often counterproductive, to a student on the squad leader when the first semester, did not expect this semester started, and he lost in the elections . He was indignant, in fact, he was too self-confident, arrogant, only unsuccessful.
These examples tell us, self-confidence to overcome low self-esteem, self-confidence is not conceited. With the confidence that we can hope to succeed with the other side.

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The power of self-confidence

We often hear people say that to have self-confidence, so much confidence what is it?
Self-confidence is the eagle with wings soar to show the pride fighting, self-confidence is a high mountain peaks of the Junba with disdain for the prodigious show, by virtue of self-confidence is the steady stream of Pentium rivers showed the courage to face the challenges of self-confidence is when you move forward when courage and spirit.
Poet Du Fu tells us that confidence is "would be extremely Ling, list of small hills," the spirit; Shixian Bai tells us that confidence is "I'm Born with, the daughter of God will send to" the pride; Chairman Mao told Our self-confidence is the "self life two hundred years, you would be splashing into the water three thousand miles," the aspirations. Only with confidence, you can cut off the fear and terror, ushering in the dawn of success.
With self-confidence played Beethoven symphony of life, Shi Tie with self-confidence to write the great chapter of life, women's volleyball team won the confidence with the trophy after an absence of 17 years, with confidence in the Olympic Games Liu Xiang set off a yellow whirlwind, Tai Lihua dance with confidence a stunning dance ... ... they are the self-confidence and realization of the best interpreters were.
Confidence is the cornerstone of life, life is all about. Are confident, you can like the black petrel, as brave and fearless in fighting the storm comes, you can journey in the high-spirited march of life, hard work ahead, and create brilliant.
Conversely, if a person is not confident, then it may be not even line. Also in the last Athens Olympics, the Chinese man, a player in the synchronized diving, due to a lack of confidence, too much pressure, the key to hop in the last fatal errors have been readily available to the gold medal handed it over, leaving deep regret.
The role of self-confidence in life can be seen how big! The power of self-confidence enough to make soft grass to break through the blockade of the land, to show vitality; enough to make drops of water drops through the hard light Heavy boulders, showing stubborn strength; enough to snow cliff disdain among the pines, show the tenacity of life.
Believe in yourself and strength in mind. Only you must own believe in yourself and let people not despise you, you can board the life of the peak, overlooking the peaks, experience "would be extremely Ling, list of small hills" feeling. Everyone should have confidence, armed themselves with self-confidence to face life overcoming challenges and setbacks every time. One day near the entrance, facing entrance some fear, some panic, but the same was full of confidence. We should not retreat, not to escape, because the power of self-confidence enough to overcome all the difficulties of unpredictable, people enjoy the sweet success.

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Many proved to have self-confidence is most common with the quality, is also an important factor in the success of others. It is often said, a person in life people not afraid of being knocked down, he got up again, the most horrible thing is that his down himself, he was no longer hopeless. How to avoid "own their own down" mean? It requires self-confidence.

Confident social life will never be defeated, but he himself finally exhausted, unable to fight.

Confidence is the cornerstone of success in life, the success of people marching confidently to climb stairs step by step. With confidence, people can achieve their desired state to achieve in order to become their own wish to be, stick to their pursuit of faith. In any case, the self-confidence who's motto is: "I think I can, and now can not, the future will be able to!"

Self-confidence not only change the surrounding environment, but also change the self-confidence himself.

For example, there is such a typical example: a group of characters, a psychologist from the students in the selected one of the most stupid and least liked the girl and asked her classmates to change the past of her views. Lai outlet in a day, we are scrambling to take care of the girl to her gallant, to accompany her home, we really hit the heart pretends that she has is a pretty intelligent girl. The results of how what? Less than a year out of the girl ended up well, even with the front of her manners different person. She wisely said to people: she gained a new life. Indeed,
She did not become another person - however, to show her that everyone has the potential reserves, which the United States only in our own believe in yourself and everyone else can believe us when we will care unfolded.

Visible, self-confidence can create miracles.

However, confidence is not born, nor is anyone available. Many people self-confidence is very low, especially after some life struggles, some of life's ups and sweet and sour taste, some people ashamed of it. Some people even learn how to play down their own in order to prevent the failure of life, they believe, confidence is a dangerous quality, the more self-confidence, the easier it hit a snag, the more likely become the target, so it is best clamped tail live.

Still others, from childhood to lose self-confidence, because the big people are always scolding them: "Look, you fool, idiot, worthless wretch, will at best be a sweep the street!" Over time, he also really agree with these then run into a little bit later failed, he would so relieved himself: "Anyway, I grew up is a fool and worthless wretch, how can it fantastic?"
第2个回答  2013-07-21