9天搞定SAT阅读-Day 6 Two Passage Questions




Passage 1: Believes that religion is the source of major conflicts in the world
Passage 2: Discusses the benefits of sprituality and religious life
1."How would the author of passage 2 likely respond to the author of passage 1 in his claim that "religion was the source of wars in the 17th century?"
这一类型的问题基于对文章的推断。 在文章中找不到直接的答案。大家应根据第二篇文章坐着的态度选出正确答案。例如,第二篇文章作者的态度是 "pro-religion",可能就会假设作者反对第一篇文章的观点。
2."Which of the following is a view expressed by both passages?"
3."Which of the following is a difference between passage one and two?"

1. The crew of the air balloon ____ the sand bags to help the balloon rise over the hill.
A. capsized B. jettisoned C. salvaged
D. augmented E. enumerated
2. We were not fooled by his ____ arguments; his plan was obviously ____ .
A. cogent - brilliant B. hackneyed - banal C. convoluted - labyrinthine
D. specious - untenable E. lucid - intelligible
3. Hawkins is ____ in his field; no other contemporary scientist commands the same respect.
A. disparaged B. ignominious C. obsolete
D. anachronistic E. preeminent
4. The model paraded in front of the celebrities with ____ ; it was impossible to tell that this was her first assignment.
A. panache B. opprobrium C. shame
D. trepidation E. terror
5. The term lead pencil is a ____ ; pencils are filled with graphite not lead.
A. misnomer B. misdemeanor C. peccadillo
D. euphemism E. metaphor
6. The ____ weather forced us to stay indoors.
A. enticing B. glorious C. restorative
D. inclement E. congenial
7. It will be hard to ____ Leonid now that you have so ____ him.
A. pacify - soothed B. mollify - incensed C. antagonize - irritated
D. anger - ruffled E. subdue - subjugated
8. The lectures on quantum physics were invariably ____ ; the lecturer ____ his ill-prepared material in a manner guaranteed to send even the most ardent student to sleep.
A. stimulating - delivered B. pedestrian - enthused about C. soporific - droned
D. scintillating - intoned E. a
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rcane - marshaled
9. Edward was understandably upset that he had lost the position, but he was ____ by the conviction that he had done nothing to ____ the dismissal.
A. consoled - merit B. warmed - avoid C. comforted - mar
D. miffed - delay E. saddened - earn
10. Elinor ____ to counteract her negative feelings, but only succeeded in ____ them.
A. tried - allaying B. hoped - mitigating C. desired - ameliorating
D. hesitated - deprecating E. endeavoured - intensifying
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