
The sampler measured the total lengths of all individual flounder landed unless the quantity of flounder was extremely large, when the total lengths of all released flounder and of randomly sampled wild flounder were measured. When each individual total length could not be measured, the numbers of wild flounder were counted and the percentage measured was calculated. For each flounder with a tag, the release year was determined by means of a combination of tag type (latex or brand tag) and position (on the basal part of caudal fin or dorsal fin), and was recorded along with the total length measurement.

采样测量总长度的所有个别牙鲆降落,除非数量牙鲆是非常大的,当总长度的所有发表的牙鲆和随机抽样野生牙鲆进行测量。当每一个人的总长度无法测量,数字野生牙鲆计数及百分比来衡量计算。为每个牙鲆与一个标记,释放的一年,是确定的手段相结合的标记类型(乳胶或品牌的标记)和位置(对基底的一部分,尾鳍或背鳍) ,并录得随着总长度的测量。