
I always think of my father. I can describe him as if he were sitting next to me. I remember his smile, his eyes, and his blonde curly hair. I also __37__my father taking his medicine and following the doctor’s __38__diet. One day I asked him, “Why do you take the medicine and why are there so many things you can’t eat, Daddy?” He looked into my eyes and said, “ _39_ to worry about, dear.” Not long after that my father passed away.
I was nine years old then, so my mother didn’t tell me _40_ my father had died. I always wanted to know why he had left me. He had taken the medicine! He was young and _41_ ! Years later, I knew that he died of a heart disease(疾病). And I always thought about doing something to help people like my father. I even _42_ that I would do everything to cure(治愈)the disease. That is what I want to do most in my life.
In 2006, I took part in a health program as a _43_ to achieve my dream. I spent four weeks taking classes at a medical school. Every day, I _44_ how doctors treated(治疗)diseases. I went to a hospital once a week, talking to the patients and comforting them. This was the most wonderful part because I saw the other side of medicine: the _45_ from doctors. From then on, every time I met people who were fighting against diseases, I would soon _46_ . I learned how some diseases can be stopped before they start.
I hope I can become a doctor and find a cure for the heart disease, and then another child will not go through the heartbreak of losing a family member.

37. A. see B. keep C. forget D. remember
38. A. strict B. healthy C. common D. balanced
39. A. Everything B. Something C. Anything D. Nothing
40. A. how B. why C. when D. where
41. A. strong B. friendly C. outgoing D. outstanding
42. A. guessed B. decided C. agreed D. found
43. A. key B. way C. note D. secret
44. A. heard B. taught C. showed D. watched
45. A. worry B. stress C. care D. gift
46. A. beat B. save C. join D. tell


首先37题,我觉得是remember,从上文“I remember his smile, his eyes, and his blonde curly hair. I also ..."你可以看出这一答案,而且从后文看作者的父亲很显然是已经去世了的,所以ABC就算要用的话也应该使用过去式。
43题,首先看到这四个词的词义,然后根据文意我觉得way比较恰当,key to sth一般都指的是“。。。的敲门砖”之类,“实现梦想的敲门砖”怎么看怎么觉得不太对,note跟secret根本词义就不搭,只有way比较符合而且可以跟介词to
第1个回答  2013-01-16
第2个回答  2013-01-16
DADAA BBDCC 43是通过加入一个健康组织的方式来实现他的梦想,根据句意可选出
44 heard根据词意不合,taught如果想说被教的话应该有was在前,show同taught所以选D
45作者提到医生在和患者交流 并且在安慰他们,所以应该是医生的关怀 直接选C
46直接看词意啦 A打败B拯救 C加入 D 说 tell在这里没有这个用法,AB词意都不太合适
第3个回答  2013-01-16
37.D remember
38.A strict
39.D. Nothing
40. B. why
41. A. strong
42. B. decided
43. B. way 参加这个健康计划是我实现目标理想的途径,方式。
44. D. watched 每一天,我都看医生是如何治疗的。
45. D. gift 我看到药物的另一面,根据前文,我认为父亲是吃了很多药没有用去世的,所以对比就是药物能治好病人,是医生给的礼物。
46.C . join 当我看见有人在与疾病作斗争时,我就会加入。