
quite a few
of conse
feel like
because of

anywher interesting是一个
for now
arrive in
walk up
walk around
wait for
too many
go on
in excitement
come up
forget about

好些,好多 I have quite a few books to read.
当然 Of course he should close the door before he left.

想要 I feel like some ice water

由于 He didn't go to school because of illness
某些事(多用于否定句和一般疑问句)There isn't anything in the box
特别的 there is nothing special
某个地方have you seen my book anywhere ?

有趣的 this is an interesting book
就现在而言 there is no answer to this question for now
到达(后接一个较大的地方)he arrived in Wuhan
走进 走上He walked up to the door
四处走走 he walked around the street
等待 he waited for his friends at the bus stop
太多(后接可数名词)he has too many problems to slove
如此…以至于 he is so happy that he laughes loudly
找出,发现he finds out that he can't solve the problem by himself
继续 he goes on doing the work now
在兴奋的状态之中 he is in excitement of winning the game
提出 The question came up at the meeting
忘记 he forgeted about the whole work追问

