

第1个回答  2014-01-03
High Templar(高阶圣堂武士,俗称闪电兵)所有说的话:
“Khassar de Templari”(闪电兵一出生说的就是这句话)
下面几句是星际战役里面,英雄闪电兵Tassadar(塔萨达)说的话:Your thoughts betray you.- Darth Vader, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
I see you have an appetite for destruction.- Reference to Guns N Roses album
And you learn to use your illusion.- Reference to Guns N Roses album
But I find your lack of control disturbing.- Darth Vader, Star Wars: A New Hope
Your thoughts?
下面几句是对战中闪电兵说的话:I heed thy call.
State thy bidding.
You think as I do.
It shall be done.
My path is set.