英语作文 介绍便携式折叠阅读台灯的优点


Small folding table lamp LED footprint, simple and elegant, suitable for different use place. This lamp will
LED (Light Emitting Diode) light-emitting diode as a light source lamp holder can be folded, LED is a solid-state semiconductor devices, which can be converted directly into electricity to light. . LED luminous efficiency more than 45 lm / W, more due to the LED spectrum almost all concentrated in the visible light spectrum, light efficiency is much greater than incandescent and energy-saving lamps and fluorescent lamps are catching up. There are self-powered, can be charged and giving the user maximum use of space. Since no ultraviolet and infrared spectra, no heat, no radiation, the human eye is not a burden for a long time to read or work will not have sore eyes swollen phenomenon. Compared with fluorescent lamps, LED lamp color rendering index is high, usually around 80, very close to natural light. This helps to reduce the fatigue of the human eye, the protection of eyesight of great help. LED long life, luminous flux half-life of over 50,000 hours, the normal use of more than 30 years. Shock and vibration ability, no fragile parts tungsten wire, glass and other non-normal "retirement" is unlikely. . . . Recyclable waste, no pollution, unlike fluorescent lamps contain mercury components. Use the lamp, the user can adjust the lamp appearance according to their needs and brightness of lights, so that users can easily understand the implication of the humanities in the lamp design feelings, giving all users a warm humane care.
LED(Light Emitting Diode)即发光二极管为光源的支架可以折叠的台灯,LED是一种固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电转化为光。。 LED的发光效率已超过45 lm/W,更由于LED的光谱几乎全部集中于可见光频段,光效率远远大于白炽灯并正在赶上节能灯和荧光灯。有自备电源,可以充电,给予使用者最大的使用空间。 由于光谱中没有紫外线和红外线,故没有热量,没有辐射,不会给人眼带来负担,长时间阅读或工作不会有眼睛发疼发胀的现象。 与荧光灯相比,LED台灯的显色指数高,通常在80左右,极为接近自然光。这样有利于减少人眼的疲劳程度,对保护视力有很大帮助。 LED寿命长,光通量半衰期寿命超过5万小时以上,一般正常使用30年以上。抗冲击和抗震能力强,没有钨丝、玻壳等易损坏的部件,非正常“报废”的可能性很小。。。。 废弃物可回收,没有污染,不像荧光灯含有汞成分。使用该台灯,使用者可根据自己需要调节台灯外观和灯光亮度,让使用者可以轻易体会到蕴含在台灯设计中的人文情愫,给予所有使用者温馨的人文关怀。