





Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.


With numerous technological advances, various kinds of media have been well developed. As a result, an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media, such as newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and the Internet.

As we know, every coin has two sides and shopping via media is no exception. On the one hand, it saves much time, money and effort to purchase goods through media since you don’t have to go to the shops in person. Besides, you can choose what you want from an enormous variety of goods on display. On the other hand, you may be cheated sometimes by the false information and suffer a considerable loss.

As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefits to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media. In this way, we can reap more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.


With the development of modern science,technology and economics,our living standard has reached an ever high level. But more and more people live under more pressure than ever before. To help out,it is important that everyone keep a good mood today.

There are several reasons behind my belief. First,a good mood can create high efficiency. When you work with a good mood,you will feel happy and willing to do some work which used to be boring. On the contrary,bad mood can make you passive and do things with reluctance. Second,a good mood is beneficial to your health. If you fail to keep a good mood,you will be feeling depressed and fed up,which is apt to cause some psychological diseases. Third,when you have a good mood,other people around you will be affected. Thus more and more people will feel happy to communicate with others.

To sum up,keeping a good mood is very important both for yourself and for the people around you. If you want to have a happy and successful life,please keep a good mood every day.