比如说你要给变量n赋值,你可以这样写:n=input('请输入n的值:');当你运行的时候,再主窗口会提示,请输入n的值:当你输入值后,那个值就赋给了变量n需要说明的是输入n的格式,你应该知道matlab中的变量都是以矩阵形式存在的吧,所以如果n是一个m*k的矩阵的话,比如1 2 3,应该输入[1 2 3],如果n只是1*1的矩阵(就是一个数),那么直接输入就是了,不需要中括号你看下面一个利用DFT求线性卷积的例子,也涉及到了输入量赋给变量% Program 5_4% Linear Convolution Via the DFT%% Read in the two sequencesx = input('Type in the first sequence = ');h = input('Type in the second sequence = ');% Determine the length of the result of convolutionL = length(x)+length(h)-1;% Compute the DFTs by zero-paddingXE = fft(x,L); HE = fft(h,L);% Determine the IDFT of the producty1 = ifft(XE.*HE);% Plot the sequence generated by DFT-based convolution and% the error from direct linear convolutionn = 0:L-1;subplot(2,1,1)stem(n,y1)xlabel('Time index n');ylabel('Amplitude');title('Result of DFT-based linear convolution')y2 = conv(x,h);error = y1-y2;subplot(2,1,2)stem(n,error)