
on the point of
at the point of
to the point of 三者有何区别,

point sth to
point sth at 两个意思分别是什么,两者有何区别

add sth to sth
add to 两者有何区别

add sth in 的用法

buy sth loose 是什么意思

有没有 cheat sb into doing sth 有的话意思、用法

cheat at 是不是固定词组,是的话怎么用

give far 是什么意思

be concerned in sth
be concerned about sth
be concerned for sth
be concerned with sth 有什么区别
其中的“be” 是否可以用“feel”、“show”替换,替换后有区别吗

as concerns 是固定词组吗

as for as I am concerned 有这个词组吗,是不是依我之见的意思。

at the point of sth.在某一时间点或空间点上
on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事
to the point of sth.达到……的程度


point at习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,意为“指着”,at是介词,着重于指的对象。
e.g It is a bad habit to point at the books when you are reading.

point to多用来表示指向离说话人较远的事物,意为“指向”,to也是介词,着重于指的方向。
e.g He pointed to the house on the other side of the road and told me that it was his house.


add up 把...加起来
e.g Add up 3, 4 and 5 and you'll get 12.

add up to
1. 总计达
e.g The bills add up to exactly $100.
2. 意味着
e.g His evidence really adds up to this: he didn't murder the man.


add A to B 把A加入B中
e.g Please add some sugar to the tea.

add to 增加;增进
e.g That will only add to our difficulties.
The coorperation adds to their friendship.


add in 把……包括在内
e.g If there is going to be a volleyball team, please don't forget to add me in.


buy sth. loose 散装购买
e.g You can buy loose tea in the shop.


cheat sb. into sth./doing sth. 骗取某人做某事
e.g He cheated her into believing that he loved her.


cheat at/on/in sth. 行骗;作弊
(cheat at 不是固定搭配,cheat后面的介词要根据宾语来定)
e.g He never cheated in exams.


没有give far

give for 牺牲;交换


be concerned in 有关的;参与的
be concerned about/for 担心;关心;挂虑
be concerned with 关于;涉及

feel作为系动词,做“感到”之义时,可在be concerned about/for代替be.
e.g He felt concerned about/for her health.他挂虑她的健康。
而be concerned in/with不是表示人的情绪等等的,又何来feel.

show是及物动词,后面要加名词,而concerned已经形容词化了,肯定不能加在show之后。可以用show concerns for sth/sb,意为“表示出对某人某事的关心、关注”。


as concerns 至于,关于,就...而论
e.g The committee reached perfect agreement as concerns the project.


是as far as I am concerned,意为“依我之见;就我而言;根据我的观点”。
e.g As far as I'm concerned,they will succeed finally.