
1. Please indicate in which of the following industries you have experience *
Plastics Industry

Tooling & Molding Industry

Rubber & Polymer Industry

Electronics Industry

None of the Above

2. Would you consider now, or in the future, relocation if the opportunity arose? *
No, I would not consider relocation

Possibly at some point in the future, but not at this time

I would consider relocation, but only under the right circumstances

Yes, I am willing to consider relocation

3. Please select which of the following apply to you *
I have never supervised or managed staff of any size

I have supervised or managed staff of 1 - 3 people on an ongoing basis

I have supervised or managed a staff of 3 or more people on an ongoing basis

I have supervised or managed teams of people on a project level only

I would not like to supervise or manage people as part of a future position

1. Please indicate in which of the following industries you have experience * (请指明你在下面哪种工业具有实际工作经验)
Plastics Industry (塑料工业)

Tooling & Molding Industry (模具加工工业)

Rubber & Polymer Industry (橡胶和合成橡胶工业)

Electronics Industry (电子工业)

None of the Above (其它)

2. Would you consider now, or in the future, relocation if the opportunity arose? * (如果有机会,你现在或将来是否会考虑跳槽?)
No, I would not consider relocation (不,我不会考虑跳槽。)

Possibly at some point in the future, but not at this time

I would consider relocation, but only under the right circumstances (虽然不是现在,但也许在将来的某个时刻,当有合适机会出现的时候,会考虑跳槽。)

Yes, I am willing to consider relocation (是的,在那种情况下,我会考虑跳槽。)

3. Please select which of the following apply to you * (请在以下选项中选择符合你自身的选项)
I have never supervised or managed staff of any size (我从未担任过任何规模团队的直接领导)

I have supervised or managed staff of 1 - 3 people on an ongoing basis (我现在是一支1至3人团队的直接领导)

I have supervised or managed a staff of 3 or more people on an ongoing basis (我现在是一支3人或3人以上团队的直接领导)

I have supervised or managed teams of people on a project level only (我只是在进行某个项目时领导过该项目的团队)

I would not like to supervise or manage people as part of a future position(我愿意在未来的工作岗位上从事管理和领导工作)
第1个回答  2008-05-29