
Survey Questions:

When do you go to sleep at night?
How often do you turn off the lights when you leave the room?
How often do you have the TV and computer/cellphone/iPad on at the same time?
Do you leave the charger in the plug without turning the plug off when you finish charging your electronics?
Do you recycle batteries?
How much do you spend on electricity every month?
Do you still charge your phone even if it’s already 100% charged?
Do you have any lights on when your asleep?
How many hours in the day do you use electronic products (computer, phone…)?

Around 11 (几点睡就写几)o'clock.
Almost everytime.
I usually let them on at the same time to fully make use of cloud services.
Sometimes I do.
No, there is no such policy concerning recycling of batteries in our country.
That depends on the season. Mostly around 300 yuan.
Of course not unless I forget to unplug it.
Yes, I usually let the bathroom light on.
Over 8 hours.

第1个回答  2013-05-14
when do you sleep.... ? about 9 to 10 PM

how often 问题可以用:
quite often

not so often
whenever I can (i.e. I do it very often).
Once in a while (sometimes, but not so often).
Once in a blue moon (a more colourful version of hardly ever)
Only when I have to / Only when I can't avoid it / Not unless I have to

Do you....?

How much....?
about 100 to 200 yuan a month

How many...
about 6 to 8 hours a day
第2个回答  2013-05-14
At 11O'clock
Always unless Iwill come back soon