
Millie(人名,如果行就把人名也翻译出来) stopped outside a shoe-shop and looked in the window.For some time,she gazed at a pair of high boots on show."They are just what I'm looking for."she thought,so Millie decided to inquire how much they cost.
"I'd like to buy a pair of boots like the ones you have in the window."she asked the shop-assistant,"Could you tell me hoe much they are,please?"
As the price was good,Millie decided to try a pair on.The shop-assistant asked her to sit down and brought a pair.While she was helping Millie to put them on,she kept looking at Millie's stockings.Millie was wearing a pair of woolen stockings.
"Excuse me,"the shop-assistant said at last,"but where did you get those stockings?We've been trying to obtain stockings like there for some time.They're the very latest in fashion and they're in great demand."
"They are pretty,aren't they?"Millie said,"They were given by my grandmother


“我想要买双像在这窗口的里的那对鞋。 ”她问店员, “你能告诉我这对鞋多少钱吗?"
由于价格适合, millie决定试穿.店员请她坐下来,并取出了一双.当她帮millie穿上时,她一直注视着millie的袜子.发现millie身穿一对毛纺袜。
"很漂亮,不是吗?" millie说,"这是我的祖母给的."