

Neither of them can speak English
Let me sweep the floor
I will call you as soon as i get home
I can help you care about your dog
In order to win the competition,they do sports everyday
第1个回答  2015-03-28
66、Neither two of them can't speak English
67、Let me sweep the floor
68、I will call you as soon as I come home
69、I can help you to take care of your dog
70、In order to win the match,they take exercise everyday
第2个回答  2015-03-28
Two of them do not speak English追答

Let me sweep the floor

I'll call you as soon as you get home

I can help you take care of your dog.

In order to win they exercise every day


第3个回答  2015-03-28
1:Both of them can't speak english追答

2:Let me sweep the floor

3: I give you a call as soon as he got home

4:I can help you take care of your dog

5: In order to win the game, they exercise every day


第4个回答  2015-03-28

第5个回答  2015-03-28
