英译汉 英语高手们帮帮忙撒~ 快被毕业论文整疯了。。。还要什么3000字的外文翻译、、、急急急!

In trying to understand the storytelling practices of contemporary American television, we might consider narrative complexity as a distinct narrational mode, as suggested by David Bordwell’s analysis of film narrative. For Bordwell, a “narrational mode is a historically distinct set of norms of narrational construction and comprehension,” one that crosses genres, specific creators, and artistic movements to forge a coherent category of practices. Bordwell outlines specific cinematic modes such as classical Hollywood, art cinema, and historical materialism, all of which encompass distinct storytelling strategies while still referencing one another and building on the foundations of other modes.

第1个回答  2013-06-11

百度翻译出来的前言不搭后语 好多词的意思都是错的 完全不能用
