

A Vibrant Growing City--Huizhou
Huizhou lies in the southeast part of Guangzhou province and the northeast part of Pearl River Delta – it faces Daya Bay in south and neighbors Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It is consisted of Huicheng District, Huiyang District, Huidong County, Boluo County and Longmen County, and Huizhou is the home of two state-level development zones, namely the Daya Bay Economic Development Zone and the Zhongkai Hi-tech Industrial Park. Huizhou administrates 51 townships and 16 street communities with permanent residents at 3.77 million. Huizhou has won numerous awards in China as a city, including China Top Tourism City, China Clean City, China Forestation City, Example City in Environment Protection, National City of Unity, China Top 10 Gardening City, Best Residence Award, and China Leading City in Civilization, just to name a few.

History and Nature,Economic and Social Development,Development Goals and Missions

Huizhou, a historical Guangdong city, is known as the Famous City of South. After Qin unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang set up the Boluo County in 214 BC., which is today’s Huizhou. In 591 AD. of the Sui Dynasty, the Xunzhou Aadministration was set in Huizhou, making Huizhou the political, financial, cultural and communication center in the region. Huizhou was the residence of many renowned Chinese officials and scholars, and in the over 10 centuries from Tang to the end of Qing Dynasty, Huizhou has accommodated more than 480 important Chinese scholars who left Huizhou with 100 former residences and more than 2,100 historical relics. Su Shi, a great Chinese poet of the North Song Dynasty, had spent three years in Huizhou, and Huizhou was also a revolutionary base for Sun Yat-sen, China’s anti-Japanese forces as well as communists with a long list of revolutionists, including Liao Zhongkai, Deng Yanda, Ye Ting and Zeng Sheng, leaving their marks in the land. Most of Huizhou residents are Hakka who speak Mandarin Chinese, Hakka, Cantonese, and Chaoshan Dialect. Huizhou people are, generally speaking, hospitable and warm-hearted.

Huizhou has rich natural resources in its 112 square kilometers territory, or about a quarter in the booming Pearl River Delta. The Dong River and Xizhi River going through Huizhou are two lifelines for Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan. Huizhou also administrates a sea area of over 4,500 square kilometers with 233.6 kilometers of coastline – a truly coastal city in Guangdong. The landscape in Huizhou mixes mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, springs, waterfalls, forests, valleys and islands to present a wonderful scenic view known as City of Mountain and Lake. Huizhou has six state-level parks and natural preservation zones as well as the West Lake, Elephant Head Mountain, Ancient Terrace, National Turtles Protection Zone, Luofu Mountain, Nankun Mountain, Tang Spring and Jiliao Bay.
第1个回答  2013-06-13
初一水平就是简单句咯 只要把你认识的惠州的东西翻译成英语用简单句说出去就行咯 你自己要组织一下语言
第2个回答  2013-06-13
惠州市位于广东省东南部、珠江三角洲东北端,南临南海大亚湾,毗邻广州、东莞、深圳、香港。现辖惠城区、惠阳区、惠东县、博罗县、龙门县。设有大亚湾经济技术开发区和仲恺高新技术产业开发区两个国家级开发区。全市有 51 个镇(乡)、 16 个街道办事处,常住人口377万人。惠州相继获得“ 中国优秀旅游城市”、“ 国家卫生城市 ” 、“ 国家园林城市 ”、“ 国家环境保护模范城市 ”、“ 全国双拥模范城 ”、“ 全国造林绿化十佳城市 ”、“ 中国人居环境范例奖 ”、 “ 全国创建文明城市工作先进城市 ”等称号。


惠州是广东省历史文化名城。自古有 “ 岭南名郡 ” 之称。秦统一中国后,于秦始皇三十三年(公元前 214 年)设南海郡傅罗县,惠州地区属傅罗县的一部分。隋开皇十一年(591 年)在惠州设循州总管府,从此惠州成为东江流域政治、经济、文化、交通中心。惠州人文渊薮,从唐代到清末 1000 多年间,有 480 多位中国名人客寓或履临惠州,留下 100 多处遗址和 2100 多件文物。北宋杰出文学家苏轼寓居惠州 3 年,辛亥革命时期孙中山在此进行过革命活动,抗日战争和解放战争时期,是东江纵队指挥部所在地。现代涌现了廖仲恺、邓演达、叶挺、曾生等一批民主志士和革命家。惠州居民以客家人为主,流行普通话,同时客家话、广州话、潮汕话也占有一席之地。惠州人热情好客,富包容性,不排外,不欺生,民风纯朴。

