SAT2 物理考试 有公式表吗?

SAT2 物理没学过的公式太多了,考试的时候试卷的某些地方会提供公式表吗?

SAT2物理考试常用公式  紫铭教育 SAT II物理力学常见公式Physics Formulas - Mechanics
Kinematics Formulas
The Kinematic Equations apply to one-dimmensional motion with costant acceleration from point 1, situated d1 from a point of reference to point 2, situated d2 from the same point of reference. v1 is the velocity at point 1 and v2 is the velocity at point 2.
v2 = v1 + a·t
d2 = d1 + (v1 + v2)·t/2
d2 = d1 + v1·t + a·t2/2
d2 = d1 + v2·t - a·t2/2
v22 = v12 + 2a(d2 - d1) Average velocity: vav = Δd/Δt
Average acceleration: aav = Δv/ΔtRotational kinematics equations with constant angular acceleration:
ω2 = ω1 + α·t
Φ2 = Φ1 + (ω1 + ω2)·t/2
Φ2 = Φ1 + ω1·t + α·t2/2
Φ2 = Φ1 + ω2·t - α·t2/2
ω22 = ω12 + 2α(Φ2 - Φ1)Average angular velocity: ωav = Δθ/Δt
Average angular acceleration: αav = Δω/Δt
Frequency: f = ω/2π
Period: T = 2π/ωRelations between angular and linear variables:
l = Φ·r
v = ω·r
a = α·r
--------------------------------------------------------------Dynamics Formulas
Pressure: P = F/A
Newton's Second Law: F = m·a
Force of kinetic friction: Ff = μ·N
Hooke's Law: F = -k·x
Centripetal Force: Fc = m·v2/R
Centripetal acceleration: ac = v2/R
-----------------------------------------------------------------Work, Energy, Conservation Laws Formulas
Work: W = F · d = Fdcos(α)
Potential Energy: PE = m·g·h
Kinetic Energy: KE = m·v2/2
Mechanical Energy: E = KE + PE
Instantaneous Power: P = F·v
The Work-Energy Theorem: W = ΔKE
-------------------------------------------------------------Gravitation Formulas
Newtonian gravity formula: Fg = G·m·M/R2
Kepler's Third Law: T2/a3 = ct.
--------------------------------------------------------SAT II物理热力学常见公式Physics Formulas - Thermodynamics
Heat added or emoved: Q = m·c·ΔT
Change in Internal Energy: ΔU = Q - W
Boyle's Law: P1V1 = P2V2
Charles's Law: V1/T1 = V2/T2
Efficiency of a heat engine(%): E = (W/Qhot)·100 SAT II物理光波学常见公式Physics Formulas - Waves and Optics
Snell's Law: n1·sin(θ1) = n2·sin(θ2)
Wave speed: v = λ·f
Velocity of light: v = c/n
Magnification: m = -di/do
Law of Reflection: θreflection = θincidence
Mirror and lens equation: 1/d1 + 1/d1 = 1/f
------------------------------------------------------------SAT II物理现代物理常见公式Physics Formulas - Modern Physics
The energy of a photon: E = h·f
Matter wavelength: λ = h/p
Relativistic factor: γ2 = 1/(1 - v2/c2)
De Broglie Wavelength: λ = h/(mv)
Half life of radioactive material: Thalf = ln(2)/λ
Mass energy equivalence: E = mo·c2
-----------------------------------------------------------------SAT II物理电磁学常见公式Physics Formulas - Electricity and Magnetism
Electric Fields and Forces Formulas
Coulomb's Law: F = k·q1·q1/r2
Electric field of a charge q: E = k·q/r2
Work done by electric field: W = q·E·d
Electric field between two metallic plates: E = V/d
----------------------------------------------------------DC Circuits Formulas
Ohm's Law: V = I·R
Power dissipated in a resistor: P = I·V = V2/R = R·I2
Resistance: R = ρ·l/A
Equivalent resistance of series resistors: Rs = R1 + R2 +...
Equivalent resistance of parallel resistors: 1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +...
Equivalent capacitance of series capacitors: 1/Cs = 1/C1 + 1/C2 +...
Equivalent capacitance of parallel capacitors: Cp = C1 + C2 +...
--------------------------------------------------------------Magnetic Fields and Forces Formulas
Magnetic force on a moving charge: F = q(v x B) = q·v·B·sin(θ)
Magnetic force on a current carrying wire: F = I·l·B·sin(θ)
Magnetic field created by a current: B = (μo/2π)·(I/r)
Faraday's Law: E = -dΦ/dt
第1个回答  2015-12-23

  Physics Formulas - Mechanics

  Kinematics Formulas

  The Kinematic Equations apply to one-dimmensional motion with costant
acceleration from point 1, situated d1 from a point of reference to point 2,
situated d2 from the same point of reference. v1 is the velocity at point 1 and
v2 is the velocity at point 2.

  v2 = v1 + a·t

  d2 = d1 + (v1 + v2)·t/2

  d2 = d1 + v1·t + a·t2/2

  d2 = d1 + v2·t - a·t2/2

  v22 = v12 + 2a(d2 - d1)

  Average velocity: vav = Δd/Δt

  Average acceleration: aav = Δv/Δt

  Rotational kinematics equations with constant angular acceleration:

  ω2 = ω1 + α·t

  Φ2 = Φ1 + (ω1 + ω2)·t/2

  Φ2 = Φ1 + ω1·t + α·t2/2

  Φ2 = Φ1 + ω2·t - α·t2/2

  ω22 = ω12 + 2α(Φ2 - Φ1)

  Average angular velocity: ωav = Δθ/Δt

  Average angular acceleration: αav = Δω/Δt

  Frequency: f = ω/2π

  Period: T = 2π/ω

  Relations between angular and linear variables:

  l = Φ·r

  v = ω·r

  a = α·r

  Dynamics Formulas

  Pressure: P = F/A

  Newton's Second Law: F = m·a

  Force of kinetic friction: Ff = μ·N

  Hooke's Law: F = -k·x

  Centripetal Force: Fc = m·v2/R

  Centripetal acceleration: ac = v2/R

  Work, Energy, Conservation Laws Formulas

  Work: W = F · d = Fdcos(α)

  Potential Energy: PE = m·g·h

  Kinetic Energy: KE = m·v2/2

  Mechanical Energy: E = KE + PE

  Instantaneous Power: P = F·v

  The Work-Energy Theorem: W = ΔKE

  Gravitation Formulas

  Newtonian gravity formula: Fg = G·m·M/R2

  Kepler's Third Law: T2/a3 = ct.
第2个回答  2015-12-30


  Electric Fields and Forces Formulas

  Coulomb's Law: F = k·q1·q1/r2

  Electric field of a charge q: E = k·q/r2

  Work done by electric field: W = q·E·d

    Electric field between two metallic plates: E = V/d

  DC Circuits Formulas

  Ohm's Law: V = I·R

  Power dissipated in a resistor: P = I·V = V2/R = R·I2

  Resistance: R = ρ·l/A

  Equivalent resistance of series resistors: Rs = R1 + R2 +...

  Equivalent resistance of parallel resistors: 1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +...

  Equivalent capacitance of series capacitors: 1/Cs = 1/C1 + 1/C2 +...

  Equivalent capacitance of parallel capacitors: Cp = C1 + C2 +...

  Magnetic Fields and Forces Formulas

  Magnetic force on a moving charge: F = q(v x B) = q·v·B·sin(θ)

  Magnetic force on a current carrying wire: F = I·l·B·sin(θ)

  Magnetic field created by a current: B = (μo/2π)·(I/r)

  Faraday's Law: E = -dΦ/dt


  Heat added or emoved: Q = m·c·ΔT

  Change in Internal Energy: ΔU = Q - W

  Boyle's Law: P1V1 = P2V2

  Charles's Law: V1/T1 = V2/T2

  Efficiency of a heat engine(%): E = (W/Qhot)·100


  Snell's Law:n1·sin(θ1) = n2·sin(θ2)

  Wave speed:v = λ·f

  Velocity of light: v = c/n

  Magnification:m = -di/do

  Law of Reflection:θreflection = θincidence

  Mirror and lens equation: 1/d1 + 1/d1 = 1/f


    在一些论坛上 (e.g.小站,小马,尚友),搜物理公式,也会出现很多资料的

第3个回答  2015-12-15
第4个回答  2016-01-08
  Electric Fields and Forces Formulas
  Coulomb's Law: F = k·q1·q1/r2
  Electric field of a charge q: E = k·q/r2
  Work done by electric field: W = q·E·d
  Electric field between two metallic plates: E = V/d
  DC Circuits Formulas
  Ohm's Law: V = I·R
  Power dissipated in a resistor: P = I·V = V2/R = R·I2
  Resistance: R = ρ·l/A
  Equivalent resistance of series resistors: Rs = R1 + R2 +...
  Equivalent resistance of parallel resistors: 1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +...
  Equivalent capacitance of series capacitors: 1/Cs = 1/C1 + 1/C2 +...
  Equivalent capacitance of parallel capacitors: Cp = C1 + C2 +...
  Magnetic Fields and Forces Formulas
  Magnetic force on a moving charge: F = q(v x B) = q·v·B·sin(θ)
  Magnetic force on a current carrying wire: F = I·l·B·sin(θ)
  Magnetic field created by a current: B = (μo/2π)·(I/r)
  Faraday's Law: E = -dΦ/dt
  Heat added or emoved: Q = m·c·ΔT
  Change in Internal Energy: ΔU = Q - W
  Boyle's Law: P1V1 = P2V2
  Charles's Law: V1/T1 = V2/T2
  Efficiency of a heat engine(%): E = (W/Qhot)·100
  Snell's Law:n1·sin(θ1) = n2·sin(θ2)
  Wave speed:v = λ·f
  Velocity of light: v = c/n
  Magnification:m = -di/do
  Law of Reflection:θreflection = θincidence
  Mirror and lens equation: 1/d1 + 1/d1 = 1/f