第1个回答 2013-05-31
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim ProFile() As Byte, a As String
Dim i As Double
i = FreeFile
Open "D:\mytext.txt" For Binary As #i
ReDim ProFile(1 To LOF(i))
Get #i, , ProFile
Close #i
a = StrConv(ProFile(), vbUnicode)
Dim n As Integer, p As Integer, q As String
p = -1
For n = 2 To 2 '后一个2是你要的行数,如果是第一行,把for结构和里面的都去掉
p = InStr(p + 2, a, vbCrLf)
Next n
q = Mid(a, p + 3, 3) 'p+2是那一行的第一个字符,第二个是p+3,以此类推
Print q
End Sub