

第1个回答  2016-06-03

1) 中国投资者行为分析(上海交易所课题报告)
2) 中国企业会计规范体系的发展与现状
3) 试析政府会计权责发生制改革的成因
4) 政府会计基础比较研究
5) 政府预算会计权责发生制应用利弊国际比较分析
6) 我国私营企业发展中遇到的问题与制度创新
7) 温州民营企业发展的回顾与展望:制度创新是根本出路
8) 国有企业改革与现代企业市场化问题
9) 国有企业改革的关键:企业机制问题
10) 香港潜在的经济危机及其对策
11) 21世纪,中国经济发展呼唤MBA教育的重大突破
12) 发展中国民营经济与国家安全战略
13) 权责发生制在政府会计与预算改革具体应用中的几个关键点
14) 陕港经济合作的互补性及其发展建议
15) 中国注册会计师事务所体制改革:研究与回顾
16) 企业机制建设是国有企业改革的核心问题
17) 香港潜在的经济危机及其对策:保持香港经济持续繁荣的根本出路在于大力发展高科技产业
18) 中国股票市场的市场化与综合治理
19) 民营企业面临的问题与出路
20) 发展民营经济事关中国经济安全 已发表的学术文章
1) Chen, G.M, M. Firth, Y. Xin and L.P Xu, Control Transfers, Privatization and Corporate Performance: Efficiency Gains in China’ s Listed Companies , Journal of Quantitative Finance and Analysis, forthcoming 2007.
2) Chen, G.M., K.A. Kim, J. Nofsinger, and O. Rui, Trading Performance, Disposition Effect, Overconfidence, Representativeness Bias, and Experience of Emerging Market Investors, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, forthcoming 2007.
3) Chen, G.M., M. Firth, N. Gao, and O. Rui, 2006, Is China’ s Securities Regulatory Agency a Toothless Tiger? Evidence from Enforcement Actions, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol 24, No.6, pp.451-488.
4) Chen, G.M., M. Firth, N. Gao, and O. Rui, 2006, Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance and Fraud: Evidence from China, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol 12, No.3, pp.424-448.
5) Chen, G.M., Oliver Rui, Steven Wang, 2005, The Effectiveness of Price Limit and Stock Characteristics: Evidence from the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 25, No. 9, pp.159-182.
6) Chen, G.M., T.W. Cheng and N. Gao, 2005, Information Content and Timing of Earnings Announcements, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp. 65-96.
7) Chen, G. M., Y. Choi and Y. Zhou, 2005, Nonparametric Estimation for Structural Change Points in Volatility Models for Time Series, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 79-114.
8) Chen, G.M., M. Firth and J.B. Kim, 2003, The Use of Accounting Information for the Valuation of Dual-Class Shares listed on China’ s Stock Markets, Accounting and Business Research (Vol.32, No.3, 123-131).
9) Chen, G.M., M. Firth and N. Gao, 2002, The Information Content of Concurrently Announced Earnings and Dividends: An Investigation of the Chinese Stock Market, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Vol. 13, No. 2 101-124.
10) Chen, G.M., M. Firth and O. Rui, June 2002 Stock Market Linkages: Evidence from Latin America, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1113-1141.
11) Chen, G.M., M. Firth and O. Rui, 2001, The Dynamic Relationship between Stock Returns, Trading Volume and Volatility, The Financial Review, Vol. 38, 153-174.
12) Lee, C.F., G.M. Chen and O. Rui, 2001, Stock Returns and Volatility in China’ s Stock Markets, Journal of Financial Research, Vol. XXIV, No.4, 523-543.
13) Chen, G.M., B.S. Lee and O. Rui, 2001, Foreign Ownership Restrictions and Market Segmentation in China’ s Stock Markets Journal of Financial Research, Vol. XXIV, No.1, 133-155.
14) Chen, G.M., M. Firth and J.B. Kim, 2000, The Post-Issue Market Performance of IPOs in China’ s New Stock Markets, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 14, 319-339.
15) Chen, G.M. and M. Firth, 1999, The Accuracy of Profit Forecasts and their Role and Association with IPO Firm Valuations, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Vol. 10, No. 3, 202-226.
16) Chen, G.M. and L.J. Merville, 1999, An Analysis of the Underreported Magnitude of the Total Indirect Costs of Financial Distress, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 13, No. 3, 275-292. 已出版的书籍 作者,书名,出版社,出版时间
Louis Cheng and G.M. Chen Financial Planning: Theory and PracticeHong Kong Commercial PressOctober 2002
Zhen Sun and G.M. ChenChina Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation牛津大学出版社,1998年9月出版
Chen, G.M., Xiaoyue Chen and Joseph Cheung (editors) Contemporary Issues in China Accounting and Finance: Policy and Practice牛津大学出版社 ,1999年9月出版
Chen, G.M., D.L. Xia and Stella Cho (editors) China Accounting and Finance Development: Retrospective and Perspective牛津大学出版社 ,1999年11月出版 (中文, 350页)
Steven Wang WTO and China’s Securities Markets, pp. 150-187 in Facing WTO Beijing: Economic Management Publishing House 2000.
