解释get in和get on的区别。

记得老师说过上车用get on,而我看美剧是上车用的是get in。请懂英语的网友们帮忙理解一下,谢谢啦!❤

get on
1.穿上(衣服等);戴上(帽子等);盖上(盖子等):例句:Get on your rubbers,we have to go out in the rain.
穿上你的胶鞋,我们必须在雨天外出.I can't get the lid on,the box is too full.
我盖不上盖子,箱子太满了.2.开(灯、开关等);放上;安上:例句:Get some more wood on,the fire is dying.
再添些木柴,火要熄灭了.3.(使)登上公共汽车(或火车等);(使)骑上自行车(或马等):例句:Before you can learn to ride a horse,you have to be able get on it.
你要学会骑马,必须先会上马.4.继续做,进行下去:例句:Don't let me stop you,do get on!
别让我打断你工作,继续干吧!5.[口语]快点,赶紧做:例句:Get on,we shall miss the plane at this rate.
快点吧,照这样的速度我们要误飞机了.6.(时间)晚,不早;(人)变衰老,上年纪;快要,接近:例句:It's getting on for midnight,let's go to bed.
快到半夜了,我们睡觉吧.7.(使)取得进步,(使)获得进展,(使)有起色:例句:John watched every opportunity because he wanted to get on.
约翰盯住每一个机会,因为他想获得成功.8.(和…)相处和睦,友好:例句:They get on well at work but not privately.
他们工作上相处融洽,但私交不怎么样.9.过下去,对付过去:例句:We can't get on without their help.
没有他们的帮助,我们没法过下去.10.去你的;我不相信[用作感叹语,表示怀疑、吃惊]:例句:Get on!He never said that!
去你的!他从来没有说过那话!11.出人头地;发迹:例句:to get on in life
get in
1.(使)进来(或进去);(使)进入:例句:He invited us to get in the car and go for a ride with him.
他邀请我们坐进轿车和他一起去兜风.2.进屋,带进屋;拿进屋:例句:Help me to get the washing in,it's raining.
帮我把洗晒的衣服拿进屋,天在下雨了.3.到达,来到;进站:例句:What time does the train from London get in?
从伦敦来的那列火车什么时间进站?4.(不受欢迎的东西)渗入,侵入,弥漫:例句:We must mend the roof,the rain is getting in.
我们一定要修理屋顶,雨水渗进来了.5.收集,收割;进(货);收(税、账等):例句:He will have to get in more money.
他将不得不收更多的钱.6.插入(讲话):例句:She spoke so fast that I couldn't get a word in.
她讲话太快,我一句话也插不进去.7.购买(生活用品等),储存:例句:We should get some wine in for the banquet.
我们应买一些酒以备宴会用.8.请…来帮忙;通知…来(做):例句:They have got the doctor in to look at the child.
他们请医生来给孩子看病.9.播下(种子),种植,把…种下:例句:He has got his seeds in already.
他已经播种了.10.送到,交付:例句:Did you get the papers in by the right date?
你是否如期送交文件了?11.[口语]参加,加入(常与at,on连用):例句:Alice is always wanting to get in on the act.
艾丽丝总是想参加这项活动.12.(经考试、测验后)被接受入学;被接受参加竞赛:例句:He got in after a special test.
经过一次特殊测试后,他被接受入学.13.(使)当选:例句:He got in at his first election.
他初次竞选就当选了.14.把…列入,把…安排进:例句:I'm hoping to get in two hour's study before going to bed.
第1个回答  2018-05-17
get on 指上公共汽车
get in 指上轿车
第2个回答  2018-05-05
第3个回答  2018-11-06
get in. get on