there is后面加的是句子吗?


1. There be 存在句:——最原始最典型的倒装  

谈到倒装句,人们都不陌生,认为它是一个很重要的句式。其实,在一个人刚刚开始学英语的时候,就已经学到了真正意义上的倒装句:There be 句型。

There is a book on the desk. 去掉引导词 There,原来的倒装句则变成:A book is on the desk.  

What is there on the desk? 实际等于说:What is on the desk?  

There be是倒装句,表存在,不必细说。

2. There + 不及物动词 + 主语:——最常见的倒装  

There lived an man in the forest long ago. 很久以前,森林中住着一位老人。

There stands a temple on the top of the mountain. 山顶上有一座庙。

There goes the bell. Let’s have our class. 铃声响了,我们上课吧。

最后一句 There goes the bell. There 除了引起句子结构的倒装外,还提醒听者注意。

3. “There + be + 过去分词+ 主语”和“There + be + 过去分词 + 主语”——最特殊的倒装  

▲“There + be + 过去分词 + 主语”,其实是被动语态的变式,去掉引导词 There,还原本来面目。例:

There are now published millions of books very year in China.

等于:Millions of books are now published very year in China.  

▲“There + be + 现在分词 + 主语”,其实是不及物动词进行时态的变式,去掉引导词There,还原本来面目。例:

There were running in the garden a group of children aged from seven to twelve.  

等于:A group of children aged from seven to twelve were running in the garden.