in two day's time 这句话是两天以内 还是两天以后?

为什么要加time 呢, 直接用, in two days ,不可以吗?

用's 来修饰这个时间time,你可以说in two days.

Use apostrophes in phrases such as in two days' time, 12 years' imprisonment and six weeks' holiday, where the time period (two days) modifies a noun (time), but not in nine months pregnant or three weeks old, where the time period is adverbial (modifying an adjective such as pregnant or old)
第1个回答  2013-07-05
两天之内,in two days表示两天之后,但是在口语中也有两天之内的意思,例如In just two days 在短短两天之内。
第2个回答  2013-07-05
in+时间段 = 时间段+later = in +时间段's +time