

In real life, I have some net pals. I believe that on the Internet, there are have real friendship. Perhaps some people on the network of friendship have some bias, indeed, on the Internet, all unidentified, even you have no way of knowing your online friends in the end is male or female.However, I still believe that there are real friendship . Perhaps they are not met. Maybe they never called each other. But the conversations on the internet, let they understand each other. Internet . Internet Dating is not promiscuity , and some people think that the friendship worthless on the Internet, however, hardly realize that, they are also due to some common hobby together. Although the internet is a real world, but more people in the internet can find themself, they can retire on weekdays wrapped in the cloak, together with the net pals,talk about hobbies ,ideals, and life…… internet of friendship Is not necessarily hypocritical……
第1个回答  2008-06-12
I have some net pals in my life. I believe, there is true friendship on the internet. Some people may have prejudice over internet friendship. Indeed, we almost know nothing about the one we are talking with, even the gender is unclear. However, 提问者,很想给你翻完。但你的原文未免有些罗嗦。先修改一下吧。