

1.擅长于 2.do well in
3.和……交谈 4.go for a walk
5.每天 6.That's true
7.在周末 8.do more exercise
9.玩得很高兴 10.all of us
11.放学后 12.Well done
1.What are the (孩子们) doing?
2.David runs (快) than Mike.
3.Can Wang Bing jump (一样远) his classmates?
4.You'll get (更强壮) and you'll do (更好) in PE.
5.Shall we (开始) our (课) now?
6.Does Jim swim (慢) than David? No,he (游泳) faster.
7.They're doing their (家庭作业).
1.He's not as (strong) as the other children.
2.Look! They're (have a chat).
3.I jump (high) than Liu Tao.
4.Which is (heavy), the bear or the elephant?
5.Have a good rest. You'll get (good) soon.
6.A:What (do) Yang Ling often do after school?
B:He (go) home and (draw) some pictures.
7.A:What (do) Su Hai do last Sunday morning?
B:She (go) for a walk in the park.
( )1.Do you have any problems A.I get up at six thirty.
with your homework?
( )2.What time do you get up? B.I'm sorry.The traffic was heavy.
( )3.How about going out for a C.I'm good at Chinese.
walk around the lake?
( )4.Can you jump higher than Ben? D.Yes, there are.
( )5.What's the matter? E.Yes,she is.
( )6.Is your mother good at driving F.That's a good idea.
a car?
( )7.Are there any butterflies? G.I have some problems with English.
( )8.You're late. H.Liu Tao's.
( )9.What are you good at? I.Yes. I can.
( )10.Whose school bag is heavier? J.No. I don't.
1. 1.A: ruler is longer?
B:They are .

2. 2.A:Is Ben faster than Jim?
B:Yes. Jim is than Ben.

3.A: you get up as 3.
as your brother?
B:No. I get up at 6:30, but he
up at 6:15.
A:So you get up than him.
1.A:Do the pandas
B:No, they don't.
2.A:Do the ducks
B:Yes, .(1分)
3.A: ,the
rabbit or the cat? (2分)
B: .(2分)
4.A: ?(2分)
B: .(2分)
Jim isn't happy. For(因为) he can't do w in PE. Ben is his classmate. He's strong and he r f than Jim. Mike is his another classmate, he can run as fast as Ben. But Jim is good at English and Maths and he can jump h than some of the boys in the class.He can swim as fast as his classmates.
So he will do more exercise and get s .He will do b in PE.

Last week, the animals had a sports meeting, Elephant Beibei ans Ant Lele had the Weight-lift. Although Lele is smaller and thinner, he lifted much heavier things than his body, so he won(获胜). Next, Rabbit Benben and Tortoise(乌龟) Xiaobai had a race. Benben thought(想), he would be the winner(获胜者). He laughed at Xiaobai,“Follow me, slower guy?”He ran as fast as he could until(直到) he couldn't see Xiaobai.“Let me have a rest,”he said to himself and slept under a big tree…
Suddenly he heard the cheers(欢呼声). Xiaobai won the first prize(第一名). Benben couldn't laugh again.
1.When did the animals have a sports meeting?

2.Why could the ant win?

3.Did the rabbit win?

4.Why couldn't Benben win the first prize?