


1.go about (doing) sth. 忙于做某事,开始/着手做某事。e.g:The rumour is going about that Mary and John are getting married.

2.go ahead. 走在前面,发生,进行;开始干。 e.g:The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans.

3.go down. 倒下;下降,下跌;下沉;e.g: The suggestion didn't go down very well with her boss.

4.go into (doing) sth. 投入(时间,精力等)做某事。 e.g:More government money needs to go into the project.

例如:go shopping 去 购物  go climbing 去爬山  go skating 去滑冰  go hunting 去打猎

go shooting 去射击  go walking 去散步

5.go back to (doing) sth. 重新开始干某事。 e.g:Let me just go back to the point I was making.

第1个回答  2022-12-14

go in for 酷爱

go over 走过去,温习

go through仔细查看, 浏览,翻阅,通过

go around到处去,传开

go swimming去游泳

goes on继续;持续

go to school去上学

go to bed上床睡觉

goes home回家

go out for a walk出去散步

go away走开

goes down降落

go back回去

go on with继续做某事

go wrong出毛病

go out出去,熄灭
