

Dorothy and her dog Toto live happily with Dorothy’s aunt until, one day, a great storm whisks Dorothy and Toto, along with their house, off to a faraway place. The house lands on, and kills, the Bad Witch of the East, but Dorothy is just eager to get home. The Good Witch tells her that only the wise old Wizard of Oz is able to get her back to her family. Dorothy and Toto set off along the yellow road to the Wizard. They meet a brainless scarecrow, a heartless tin-man and a cowardly lion on the way and all three decide to ask the Wizard to solve their problems too. Before the Wizard will grant their wishes, however, they have to kill the Bad Witch of the West, which Dorothy finally manages to do, thus making all their wishes come true. The Oz story has become a classic because it blends elements of traditional magic,such as witches,a Kansas cyclone, a scarecrow, and a man made of tin. In the end,Dorothy and her animals got what they need.We--viewers--also finish our wonderful tour and realize the dreams.



外文名:The Wizard of OZ




制片成本:$2,777,000 (estimated)

拍摄日期:1938年10月13日 - 1939年3月16日










第1个回答  2021-03-22

第2个回答  2017-12-11

Little girl dorothy gale (Judy Garland) lives on a farm in central Kansas with her uncle and aunt. One day, when a tornado struck, Doris was not able to hide in time to find her beloved puppy. The powerful tornado sucked dorothy's cabin into the air. For a long time, the cabin finally landed on the ground, and a wicked witch was crushed. Under the guidance of the good witch of the north, dorothy and the dog departed for the emerald city where wizard oz (Frank Morgan) lived, begging him to help him get home. Road, dorothy met no brain scarecrow (Ray Bolger), the lack of the tin man of the heart (Jack Haley) and timid lion (Bert Lahr), in order to realize their wishes, they walk along with Doris. The journey has been so perilous that the wicked witch of the west has been obstructed.


小女孩桃乐丝·盖尔(Judy Garland 饰)随叔叔、婶婶住在堪萨斯州中部的农场。某天,龙卷风袭来,为找到心爱的小狗,桃乐丝没能及时躲藏。强大的龙卷风将桃乐丝藏身的小木屋卷入空中。不知经过多久,小木屋终于落到地面,而且把一个邪恶的女巫也给压死了。在善良的北方女巫的指点下,桃乐丝和小狗启程前往魔法师奥兹(Frank Morgan 饰)所居住的翡翠城,祈求他能帮助自己回家。路上,桃乐丝遇见了没有脑子的稻草人(Ray Bolger 饰)、缺少心脏的铁皮人(Jack Haley 饰)以及胆小如鼠的狮子(Bert Lahr 饰),为了实现各自的愿望,他们随桃乐丝一同前行。一路上经历千难万险,更有邪恶的西方女巫处处阻挠。

第3个回答  2017-12-11

    The introduction of the wizard of oz, the wizard of oz, tells the story of Dorothy, a kind and lovely little girl, who was swept away by a tornado in order to save her puppy, and came to a magical mythical world. Dorothy and DOGGETT met the scarecrow, the tin man and the lion in this strange and mysterious land. These little friends have gradually become good friends of mutual help and concern on the journey to fulfill their wishes, and have also experienced various challenges and hardships in the journey.

    The wizard of oz is a long fairy tale. The author of this book is Lyman frank Baum of the United States. The protagonist in the story is a little girl named Dorothy. She lives with many of her puppies, uncle Henry and aunt em. One day, a tornado blew Dorothy and the dog into a strange world. They were told to find king oz and let him take them home. On the trip, Dorothy met, no head scarecrow, no heart iron woodcutter and timid lion. Along the way they helped each other and became good friends. They went together to find king oz. A lot of strange things happened on the road. In the end, a good witch fulfilled their wishes. The scarecrow became the head of the jade kingdom, the iron woodcutter became the leader of the wenji people, the lion became the king of beasts. Dorothy also returned home to reunite with her uncle and aunt.

    绿野仙踪 简介 《绿野仙踪》讲述了善良可爱的小姑娘 多萝西为了救自己的小狗托托而被龙卷 风卷走,来到一个神奇的神话世界的奇 妙经历。多萝西和小狗托托在这个陌生 而又神秘的地斱遇到了稻草人、铁皮人 和大狮子。这几个小伙伴在实现愿望的 旅途中逐渐成为相互帮助、相互关心的 好朋友,也共同经历了旅途中的种种挑 战和磨难。


第4个回答  2017-12-11


The Wizard of Oz is a long fairy tale. The book's author Lyman Frank Baum, the United States. The hero of the story was a little girl, named Dorothy. Lot of her and her dog, Henry, uncle, aunt Aim to live with. One day, a tornado blew Dorothy and the dog lot a strange world. They were told to find the King of Oz, King sent them home to Oz. The road, met Dorothy, the scarecrow without a brain, no heart of iron Woodman and the Cowardly Lion. Along the way they help each other and became good friends.        Together, they look for Oz king. On the road has a lot of weird things. In the end, a good witch to achieve their aspirations. Jade Scarecrow became the leader of the country, iron Woodman has become a leader in temperature-based people, the lion became the king of beasts. Dorothy has returned home with the aunt and uncle were reunited. 


