at the farm的英语作文

at the farm的英语作文


Today, I went to the farm with my brother Taotao.


On rainy days, you can pick peanuts, water chestnut and fish in troubled waters.


We talked and laughed all the way.


I started picking peanuts. I pulled out two peanuts without any effort. Aunt Zhao pulled out a bunch of peanuts all at once. We were all stunned.


The water chestnut was picked. My uncle asked us to go to the place where we picked water chestnut.


The pond was very dirty, so we had to take a boat, but aunt Zhao still went down in rubber shoes. She was shivering under it, like a trembling rabbit walking in front of the tiger, and didn't dare to breathe at all.


We picked a lot of water chestnut, and I picked more than 30 at a time. After picking six Jin, we went to "fish in troubled waters".


Fishing began, I stepped down, under the sand and stones!


At a glance, the clear fish (in the water) shuttled freely, like happy birds flying around. I was overjoyed and caught several fish


But I thought they were pathetic, so I let them go.


So we went home with a full load and went home happily.


第1个回答  2018-05-14
Hi! My name is Tom, I’m a boy. I’m at the farm now. I can see many vegetables and animals. Look at the potatoes. They’re yellow. They’re big! They’re yummy. I like tomatoes, too. They’re red. They’re small. They’re very tasty. Look at those animals. There are many hens there. They’re fat and yellow. Eggs come from the hens. They’re yummy and healthy! Look at the cows, they are black and white. Milk comes from cows. The milk is yummy. I like the farm. What about you?
long our town a river flows its way dashing and eddying.It's riverside is an enjoyable place.

The sandy bank is strewn with peddles of various sizes and shapes.Standing on the edge,you hear water licking rhythemically at your feet.It is a great fun to play duck and drake.Padding in water,you feel agreeable coolness passing through your body.

River birds are another attraction.At one time,they skip over the surface of water.At other times,they perch on pebbles and touch their feathers with their beaks.

Frequently,a ship cleaves through water,sounding a siren.Water bubbles and foams in the wake of the ship.本回答被网友采纳