“我是一个内向的女孩 ,我希望能交到更多的朋友,可是我该怎么做 ”英语作文


Active conversation with a stranger, you will soon find you and others have many common topic and hobbies. On the subway, on the bus has a chance to talk to strangers with his side. You will find that they are with himself, like sports, also for sale of goods, or you will be amazed to find that she is pregnant three months of a mother-to-be and magical, and they lived in the same area and you! So, friends may produce. 积极与陌生人谈话,你很快就会发现你与其他人有很多的共同的话题和爱好。在地铁上,在公交车上都有机会与自己身边的陌生人谈谈。你会发现,他们跟自己一样,也很喜欢体育运动,同样对打折的商品情有独钟,或者会惊奇的发现,她已经是怀上三个月的准妈妈了,而且神奇的,、他们就和你住在同一个小区!这样,朋友关系也许就产生了。