
工作经历:2007/07 -- 至今: 中国铁建十六局第四工程有限公司 | 物资采购员
房地产/建筑/建材/工程 | 国企 | 规模:10000人以上 | 4001-6000元/月

2004/11 -- 2006/11: 玫琳凯(中国)化妆品有限公司 | 销售 | 美容顾问
快速消费品(食品/饮料/烟酒/化妆品) | 外商独资 | 规模:10000人以上 | 1000-2000元/月

2003/09 -- 2007/07:中央民族大学 | 工商管理 | 本科

2006/7--2006/8: 2006年首都大学生暑期社会实践 | 云南红河洲元阳县哈尼族自治区社会主义新农村建设实践团。在团内负责后勤及外援工作。该团队获得该年北京市优秀团队奖。

2007/01: 北京市人事局2007级应届毕业生录用公务员公共科目笔试
证书说明: 该证由北京市人事局颁发。在学习期间,我的行政能力及公文写作水平得到提高。

1997/08: 驾驶执照
证书说明: 能够熟练驾驶。

2006/12: 大学英语六级
证书说明: 由教育部教育司颁发。学习过程期间,我的外语词汇量及写作水平得到很大提高。具备了良好的英语听说读写能力,可作为工作语言。

英语:读写能力良好 | 听说能力良好


驾驶 | 一般 | 12个月

Self-evaluation: lively and outgoing personality. Before China joined the world top 500 Rail Group's construction company, one year administrative and material procurement experience. To skilled use of office software, have a good document writing skills, language ability and execution. The article, poetry has been published in numerous publications and websites.
URL of the article:
Through CET6, heard that a good English reading and writing skills can be used as working languages.
A driver's license
Work experience: 2007/07 - so far: 16 built by the China Railway Engineering Company Limited, the fourth | supplies buyers
Real Estate / Construction / Building Materials / Engineering | state-owned enterprises | scale: more than 10,000 people | 4001-6000 yuan / month
Of the project: Zhengzhou to Xi'an high-speed rail passenger line two tenders.
Contact with the supplier, participation in the negotiations, the opening of tenders, procurement contracts entered into the process.
Supplies to the distribution station reported on the material needs of schedule, arrived on the table, on material consumption table, accounting, revenue and expenditure schedules, and other materials.
Material income and custody of the work.
Assist the financial sector, accounts for the financial information and statements.
According to the technical requirements of the Ministry of contact manufacturers, the purchase of materials, and urge manufacturers shipments.

2004/11 - 2006/11: Mary Kay (China) Co., Ltd. cosmetics | | beauty consultants
Fast moving consumer goods (food / beverage / tobacco / cosmetics) | wholly foreign-owned | scale: more than 10,000 people | 1,000-2,000 yuan / month
Company sales of products and technical training. Meet with customers, in demonstration of their products using a sales process.
Education experience

2003/09 - 2007/07: Central University of Nationalities | Business | undergraduate
Practical experience in school

2006/7--2006/8: 2006 summer capital of college students in social practice | Chau Yuanyang County, Yunnan Honghe Hani Autonomous Region the practice of building a new socialist countryside Mission. In Mission in charge of logistics and foreign aid work. The team was the best team in Beijing Award.

2007/01: 2007 in Beijing the Shanghai Personnel Bureau of fresh graduates recruited civil servants subjects written public
Certificate: The permit issued by the Shanghai Personnel Bureau in Beijing. During the study period, I document the administrative capacity and improve the level of writing.

1997/08: driving licence
Certificate: skilled driver can.

2006/12: CET-6
Certificate: Education Department issued by the Ministry of Education. During the learning process, my English vocabulary and writing standards are greatly improved. Have a good ability to read and write English listening and speaking, can be used as working languages.
Language ability

English: literacy good | good listening and speaking ability

Professional skills

Driving | General | 12 months
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第1个回答  2008-07-29