as far as的意思和用法


as far as与so far as 的区别:

as far as可用于肯定句或否定句,表示直到…为止时,例如:

As far as I know he'll be away for three months. 据我所知,他将外出三个月。

I'll keep you company as far as the station. 我将与你结伴到车站。

so far as只能用于否定句,表示直到…程度的借喻说法中都可用,例如:

He wouldn't go so far as to refuse to come to the meeting, would he? 他不至于不来开会吧?

He not only ignored the criticism of the others but went so far as to be sarcastic.他对大家的批评置若罔闻,甚至反唇相讥。


As far as的语义分析:

首先,从语义角度来看,as far as有其字面本义、引申义,以及作为固定习语的含义。其次,从结构角度来看,as far as可以用作连词(从而接从句),也可以用作介词(从而接名词短语)。

    当as far as用作字面本义时,其意思取决于far (远的)的含义,此时它就是一个比较结构。因此,as far as就表示“与……一样远”。

    例如:Broad prairies stretch out as far as the eye can see.解析:从字面来看,as far as the eye can see可以理解成“与眼睛所能看到的距离一样远”或者“在肉眼看得见的范围内”。这就相当于我们汉语所说的“一望无际”。因此,整个句子可以译成“辽阔的大草原一望无际”或者译成“放眼望去都是辽阔的大草原”。以上as far as表达的是空间距离。


    例如:These ideals were nurtured in me as far back as I can remember.解析:从字面来看,as far back as I can remember可以理解成“与我所能记忆的时间一样长”。整个句子可以译成“自打我记事起我就有了这些理想”。

    除了表达空间距离和时间距离之外,as far as还可以表达程度。

    例如: Our concern about our fellow men extends only as far as our pocketbook or our discomfort.解析:这句话字面意思是,我们对同伴的关心程度只能到钱包或不便为止。言外之意,我们可以对同伴表示关心,但不能让我们破费或是给我们带来不便。由此可见,这里as far as表达了一种程度含义,指的是关心到何种程度。
