

服务员Can I help you?我能帮助你吗
服务员What would you like for lunch?你想点些什么样的午餐
顾客Um....I'd like a hamburger and a cup of juice.嗯,我想要一个汉堡和一杯果汁
服务员OK, please wait a minute.好的,请稍等一会儿
顾Thank you.谢谢
服务员You're welcome.不客气。求采纳啊
第1个回答  2015-03-26
不知道你具体想要什么. 我这里给你假设一个图.
这里假设你要套餐4, 大薯条, 大可乐. A是你, B是服务员

B: Hi may I take your order? (你好, 你想点什么?)
A: I want the combo 4. (我要套餐4)/ Can I get the combo 4 please? (能给我套餐4吗?(这个最常见))/ May I get the combo 4 please?) (May基本就是说, 请. 请问能给我套餐4吗?)

B: Yea sure, anything else? (嗯, 好, 还有其他的吗?)
A: Can I get large fries and large cokes instead of medium? (能给我大薯条和大可乐么, 代替中的)

B: Yea, no problem. Would that be all? (嗯, 没问题, 这就是全部吗?)
A: Yea that's all. I'd like to pay with cash. (对, 那就是全部, 我想用现金付款.)

B: Alright, just a second while we wait for your food. Thank you. (好的, 请稍等你的食物. 谢谢)
A: Thank you. (谢.)

如果你想问什么其他的, 追问就行