“ 老师说地球绕着太阳转”英语翻译


第1个回答  2022-09-09
老师说地球绕着太阳转:The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun~~
第2个回答  2023-06-26


The teacher said that the Earth revolves around the sun.




solar system 太阳系

planetary orbit 行星轨道

celestial object 天体

astronomical observation 天文观测

gravitational force 重力作用

含义解释:Earth 是太阳系中的一颗行星,是人类居住的星球和生命的根源。地球绕着太阳公转,并同时自转,形成日夜交替。

语法详解:Earth 是一个名词,可做主语、宾语、表语等。本例中作为主语出现,表示老师所说的内容是“地球绕着太阳转”这一事实。


    主语用法:Earth is the third planet from the sun.(地球是距离太阳第三近的行星。)

    宾语用法:Scientists have discovered many new facts about Earth through astronomical observation.(科学家们通过天文观测发现了许多关于地球的新事实。)

    表语用法:The blue color of the ocean makes the Earth look like a blue planet from space.(海洋的蓝色使得地球从太空看起来像一个蓝色星球。)


    The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours, creating the cycle of day and night.(地球每24小时绕自己的轴线旋转一圈,形成日夜交替。)

    The gravitational force of the sun keeps all the planets in the solar system, including the Earth, in their respective orbits.(太阳的重力作用使得太阳系中的所有行星,包括地球,维持在各自的轨道上。)

    Earth is the only known planet in the universe that supports life as we know it.(地球是人类所知的唯一支持生命的行星,因为它提供了适宜的环境和条件。)

    Many people take the Earth’s natural resources for granted and fail to appreciate their value.(许多人认为地球的自然资源理所当然,却没有意识到它们的价值。)

    The Earth’s atmosphere plays a critical role in regulating the planet’s temperature and supporting life.(地球的大气层对于调节行星温度和维护生命的存在发挥着至关重要的作用。)
