

第1个回答  2013-10-13
kb:robert rodriguez.
what's going on man ?
最近好吗?rr:how's going?
最近过得如何?kb:i heard you got a movie concept,what's going on?
听说弄又在酝酿新片了,说来听听,rr:i think we should make a moive about black mamba.
我觉得我们应该拍一部讲黑曼巴的片子。kb:like a film.
拍成大片rr:yeah about your,you know like your alter ego.
对,表现你内心深处的另一面kb:so kind of walk me through, what do you see?
说具体点,你有什么想法rr: we open up on game night,
bus pulls in the town, you step off the bus.
there's nobady there, you look around,
there's no one on the bus,there's no one in the town.
there's no one anywhere.
根本就是无人之地.kb: so why don't i just get back on the bus?
那我为什么不回到车上?rr: bus blows up.
so what is it anyone want form you when you roll in to town.
为什么你一到镇上就发生这种事呢 ?kb: to take the black mamba out, enter the crippler.
有人想除掉黑曼巴, 残骨者出现了.kb: the what?
出现了什么?rr: the crippler, played by Mickey Rourk.
残骨者, 由米基洛克来演.kb: Mickey Rouke's in this movie?
米基洛克会演这片子?rr: or someone else cool that i know wen can get.
能找到别的犀利哥也行dt:black mamba, boss want your shoes.
黑曼巴,boss 要你的鞋.kb: still usin''em
我还要穿呢,哼dt: not for long
穿不了多久了rr: oh he's got a hostage.
他还绑了个人质.kb: that's not right.
这就不对了,黑曼巴很生气rr: the crippler's pure aggression, physical,down and dirty.
残骨者非常暴力,强壮有力,凶神恶煞kb: he's a swiper,he wants to send my shot into the third row.
他张牙舞爪,要把我的投篮山上看台rr: not just your shot,,,,,your head.
不光是扇投篮,还要扇你的脑袋kb: but the black mamba has a killer instinct that isn't matched.
and when provoked,, strike
惹毛了他,, 他一定以牙还牙
so is it gonna be like close-ups on the shoes?
会有很多鞋子的特写镜头 ?rr: product placement gives us a bigger budget, bigger budget ,,, bigger explosions.
so you saved the hostage, that's a double cross.
a message from the boss.
是老大留的字条kb: so what does the boss want?
那老大的目的是什么?rr: boss want to end your reign, prove that you can be beat,
老大要终结你的时代, 证明你不是不可战胜的,
just doesn't think you're that good.
first plan is to take you down,
defeat you and then collect your shoes.
which is why he sent his best man after you .
the man like Mister Suave, played George Clooney.
比如 优雅哥 由乔治克鲁尼饰演kb:George Clooney's in this film?
乔治克鲁尼也会演这片子?rr: or some other mega star that we can afford, and hopefully knows basketball.
或者其他我们请不起的大明星,但他要是喜欢篮球就问题不大了ms:black mamba, helleva name. mama loses better or something?
黑曼巴 , 屌名字, 你娘怎么给你起的?kb: but the black mamba strikes first,
picks the suave before the suave gets the handle.
抢在优雅哥之前出手.rr: that's exactly what the boss was couting on, suava was a setup .
但这步棋就是老大算好的, 优雅哥只是带路.ms: you wanna take care of that shooting hand
might need it, boss want to see you.
说不定有用, boss要见你kb: what does he want? some takes souls, some takes skulls, boss takes shoes,,upstairs
他想怎么样?有人谋财,有人害命,老大要你的鞋 , 上楼吧rr: the boss collect the best basketball players in the world,
but he hasn't gotten the mamba,,yet
唯独黑曼巴,他没抓到.kb: hmm.rr: Kanye West plays the boss.
坎耶韦斯特来演bosskb:Kanye West?or somebody like 'im..
坎耶韦斯特?还是山寨版?rr: no...Kanye West!
不,坎耶韦斯特本尊!boss: black mamba, you ready to join my trophy world?
the world's fiercest predator's'bout to become my towel boy!
世界上最危险的猎食者就要帮我递水送毛巾了.kb: to the black mamba, the game is slower,
kinda gets in the zone where he can see things before it happended.
他进入了一种状态,能预见对手接下来做什么the black mamba's ready!
黑曼巴蓄势待发boss: c'mon, get back! get back!
push his ass!
从后面推他!q: technical!
技术犯规!rr: oh they tend to cheat, is that a problem?
原来他们是要作弊,会有问题吗?kb: yes, for them..
当然,对他们而言boss: airball.
空气球rr: no possession shpuld be easy .
连控个球都会很难boss: D up, D up!
防好!防好!kb: and black mamba has to battle, the black mamba has to win,
黑曼巴必须战斗到底,黑曼巴必须赢.rr: so has the boss.
老大也一样boss: adios, motherfucker。 what are you waiting for? go!
Black mamba ain’t nothing, i'm the boss! fuck.
(意大利语)再见了。 还等什么?快上!黑曼巴算得了什么?我才是boss! 。。。操!
this data ain't over, mamba, i'll see ya again! hahahaha
kb: arrivederci. ... so our shooting'd end?
(意大利语)再见了. 。。。就这样结束了吗?rr: black mamba doesn't end, heroes come and go,
黑曼巴不会结束,英雄是一时的,kb: but legends are forever.
但传奇是一时的。rr:black manba will return..in black mamba 2 and 3 and 4.
黑曼巴会在续集中回归 , 黑曼巴2 3 4
kb: i like this, i like this.
第2个回答  2013-10-13
中国都未有电影体 只有个个介绍的短片