

第1个回答  2013-10-25
Qingdao scenery
Students, you all know that there are many scenic spots of Qingdao, like a bridge, shilaoren rainforest valleys and laoshan, ten MeiAn, underwater world, zhongshan park, etc, they are one of the Qingdao rilliant ". Bridge, especially the underwater world, shilaoren and laoshan, visit the people travel in an endless stream. Another attraction is the nature of the sea, that is given.The sea gave us a lot of opportunities, took the 2008 Olympic Games, Qingdao, for example, is because of the sea, so get the right sailing competition venue. The sea. Also gives us strength, when you're tired, just look at the sea, fatigue will instantly. When you're stressed, looking at the boundless sea, will put on all threw. The vast expanse of the sea like a knowledge of the sea, and let us know the many. The underwater world is in a sea of circumstances.In autumn, in the rainforest valleys, ten laoshan MeiAn autumnal leaves are ", "Saul lay on the earth like a layer of orange, people go on carpet is soft, can be fun! And so beautiful.Qingdao is so beautiful, I don't want such a beautiful scenery by those litter man destroyed, so we should protect the environment, let the city of Qingdao sea becomes more beautiful!青岛风景
同学们,你们都知道青岛的风景名胜有很多,像栈桥、石老人、雨林谷、崂山、十梅庵、海底世界、中山公园等等,它们都是青岛的一个个“亮点”。尤其是栈桥、石老人、崂山、海底世界,去参观旅游的人更是络绎不绝。还有一个景点是大自然给予的,那就是大海。  大海给予我们了很多机遇,就拿2008年的奥运会来说吧,青岛,就是因为有了大海,所以能拿到帆船比赛举办地点的权利。大海。还给予了我们力量,当你疲劳的时候,只要看一眼大海,疲劳就会顷刻间烟消云散。当你心事重重的时候,望一眼那无边无际的大海,就会把心事抛到了九霄云外。那浩瀚无边的大海就像是知识的海洋,让我们了解了许多许多。海底世界就是在有大海的情况下建成的。  秋天的时候,在崂山、雨林谷、十梅庵里是“秋风扫落叶”,地上就像是铺上了一层橘红色的地毯,人走在上面软软的,可好玩了!而且是那么的美。  青岛是那么的美,我不希望这么美的风景被那些乱扔垃圾的人给毁掉了,所以我们应该保护环境,让青岛这个拥有大海的城市变得更美!
第2个回答  2013-10-25
青岛英语的作文有很多 书店之类的店里或者你所在学院的图书馆就有很多像此类的书籍