

Li Qingzhao (1084-about 1155) of an easy lay, outstanding poetess of the Southern Song, Han, Shandong Jinan, and Subtle words were. Born in the Northern Song Dynasty Yuanfeng seven years, Shandong Zhangqiu, Linan died at the age of 71-year-old. And Jinan Xin Qiji licheng people referred to as the "Second Security Jinan." His father, Li Ge Fei, the Northern Song Dynasty Qi County state calendar, and Qilu well-known scholar, essayist. Wang's mother, known Shanwen book. Fu Zhao Mingcheng for Zhao Tingson, Jinshi textual criticism at home. Li Qingzhao off early life, the book can be text, proficient in music. Zhao Mingcheng married and working together to organize the stone paintings, the preparation of the "golden recorded." His home for the "easyStudy" Li Qingzhao it also regards himself as an easy lay. After the fall of the Central Plains, with her husband Nanliu lived back and forth, miserable life of suffering. Ming-cheng died, the situation alone. David invited family, Well-known in the word, poetry and works, and have the words Li Qingzhao theory, in the history of Chinese literature enjoys a high reputation, "the text there are Li Qingzhao, Wu Qin Liangyu." Stability of the early years of life, love to write multi-word love; gold soldiers after the invasion, the country suffered great changes, unless the word emotion Falling background. Her poetry and a sense of history when the Wing, with different words the wind. She also specializes in painting, musicSame. Existing poems and words for future generations of the series, the "wordsuyu" and so on. Stands for "word, when a special one also." And she has also written a unique word, referred to as the "body Yian." Chinese history is the only name to be used as a female space Crater.
第1个回答  2013-10-21
第2个回答  2013-10-21