

纵观教育发展史,学校课程是社会时代的产物,反映社会历史发展的特点,并因社会时代的变化而变化。2. Responsibility is a topic for a long history.责任是一个古老的话题,在道德规范的整个体系中,道德责任居于最高层次,它是学校道德教育发展史中永恒的主题。3. Responsibility is an ancient topic. However, it is a perpetual topic in the developing history of school education of morals, too.责任是一个古老的话题,又是学校道德教育发展史中永恒的主题。4. This being so, the 30-plus years of the history of the comprehensive school have included a number of reforms aiming to increase equality in education.正是这样的体认,这30多年综合学校的发展史,确实包括了许多提高教育均等的改革。5. The paper puts forward the idea that we should make an overall study of the history of the Chinese school physical education system for the first time to make up the blank research on the systematic history in school physical education.学校体育发展的历史是一个整体,目前研究学校体育发展史通常从思想和制度两个角度入手。从总体上看,对思想史的研究多于和好于制度史的研究。6. In the following eighty years, vocationalism has exceeded democratism and dominated the development of American vocational education.回溯美国近百年的学校职业教育发展史,其围绕职业教育功能定位、发展道路与对象等问题产生了许多不同的思想。