

1. A. tiger B. lion
2. A. cool B. cute
3. A. seventeen B. eighteen
4. A. sad B. dad
5. A. fridge B. fruit
6. A. jump B. jacket
1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don’t.
2. A. I like cows. B. I have a toy cow.
3. A. Thank you. B. Here you are.
4. A. They’re in the fridge. B. It’s in the fridge.
1. --- _________ are my shoes, Dad?
--- e and look. They’re under the bed.
A. Where B. What
2. --- Do you like monkeys, Nancy?
--- No, I _________.
A. don’t B. do
3. --- What’s that behind the door?
--- It’s ________ umbrella.
A. a B. an
4. --- __________ are the apples?
--- Twenty-five yuan.
A. How much B. How many
5. This is my father. He is tall. _________ mouth is big.
A. He B. His
6. --- Can I help you?
--- ______ a hot dog and some juice, please.
A. I like B. I’d like
7. Look at the elephant. Its它的 nose _____ long. Its ears ____big.
A. is; is B. is; are
8. --- Do you have _____stickers?
--- No, I don’t. I have _____dolls.
A. any; some B. some; any
9. 你想知道对租乱方会不会踢足球,你可以问弊前档:
A. Do you have a football?
B. Can you play football?
10. 当你想夸赞别人事情做得好时,你可以说:
A. Have a try.
B. Well done.
1. Where’s my dress? a. No, I can’t.
2. Do you like this red box? b. It’s in the bathroom.
3. Can you make a fruit salad? c. Yes, they are.
4. What time is it? d. It’s a horse.
5. Are those pears? e. It’s five o’clock.
6. What’s that? f. Yes, I do.
1. 看这个布娃娃。她的鼻子很小,但是她的眼睛很大。
Look at this doll. Her nose is __________, but her __________ are big.
2. 迈克,你有一些铅笔吗? 是的。我有二十支。
--- Mike, do you have _________pencils? --- Yes. I have __________.
3. 刘涛,你会滑冰吗? 不,我不会。
--- _________ you _________, Liu Tao? --- No, I __________.
Hello, my name is Mary. Wele to my new home. Look, this is my living room. You can see three sofas, a white table and a big TV in it. That’s my bedroom. It’s *** all, but it’s nice. You can see a yellow desk and a *** all bed. On the desk, you can see some books and a toy car. On the bed, you can see five dolls. I like dolls very much. I like my new home too.
1. Mary’s bedroom is big and nice. √
2. Mary likes dolls very much. √
3. The yellow table is in the living room. ╳
4. The toy car is on the bed. ╳
5. Mary likes her new home. √
一、2’×6=12’ ABBAAB
六、2’×10=20’ AABAB BBABB
七、2’×6=12’ b f a e c d
1. *** all; eyes;
2. any; twenty;
3. Can; skate; can’t
九、1’×6=6’ would; like; else; How; much; fifteen
十、2’×5=10’ √ √ ╳ ╳ √