be fond of的用法


be fond of 的用法有以下几种:
1、be fond of somebody——喜欢某人
例句:Joe's quite fond of her,isn't he?
2、be fond of something——喜欢某事
例句:I'm not overly fond of cooking.
3、be fond of doing something——喜欢做某事
例句:My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends.
第1个回答  2016-07-08
这是一个短语,用法就是be fond of something.爱上某事
例子:我爱上了冰欺凌:I am fond of ice cream
她爱上了狗狗:She is fond of dogs
他爱上了唱歌·: He is fond of singing
你应该是初中或高中的吧,有什么英语学习疑惑就问我吧 2953331668
第2个回答  2018-03-31

be fond of +名词或者v+ing


1、be fond of somebody——喜欢某人

例句:Joe's quite fond of her,isn't he?

2、be fond of something——喜欢某事

例句:I'm not overly fond of cooking.

3、be fond of doing something——喜欢做某事

例句:My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends.

第3个回答  2020-04-01
第4个回答  2020-08-11
be fond of +名词或者动词ing形式