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第1个回答  2008-09-25


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第2个回答  2008-09-25






当然,可爱 “地主”总是会在我身边磨蹭,因为我与它关系很好,特别我会分给它很多少吃的,包括饭菜、骨头,饼干、花生、巧克力和苹果。有一次地主还会尝试着泡泡糖,牙被粘住了,呵呵……..



















Understanding and tolerance

I lived there in the mountains, sparsely populated. Recently, the neighbors, separated from my family and I are normal Lane Road.

I have a domestic dog, called the "host", Yaowei Ba told me, I know that it friendly, because I can understand. I often eat their meals given to eat it. I and the "host" the relationship between one word to describe - iron.

Last week, Tuesday's 18:00 and I came back from a neighbor. And a half on the road, a stranger stopped by my way: "Brother, by using money, I bear in the past few days on-hand, which a few days, you also immediately sent to your home!" Hateful guy, the face Hengrou, Nie Zhao said, forcing the fist round.

"Ming, Ming ... ... .." I am behind in the "landlord" as the engine to start the car, suddenly washed up and block his way in between me and that guy. "Landlord" has become very stiff tail, nose wrinkled. 3-year-old child is also aware that in a major offensive. I said: "The eldest brother, I also bear in-hand, really difficult, please forgive me!" Said Edge, I bag on the side of the oil from a Laina Apple, the way the regular Daizaishenbian the knife out of self-defense , Xiaoping Guo started! In fact, is to tell the bad guys: "I have a knife, I Bully, or when you kill the pig!" I and the landlord, we are in a smooth return to the home, a false alarm, but I have enhanced the friendship between the landlord and .

Between the landlord and I like a good friend, good partner would like. Because I know the landlord's tail shaking, said that the friendship; landlord know that I am a happy, Shangqiao to the mouth - a smile. Between the landlord and I can communicate with each other, mutual understanding, tolerance can be. This is the friendship between man and animal, based on tolerance and understanding of the above.

Of course, the lovely "host" will always be around me Moceng because I enjoy good relations with it, in particular, I will be a lot less of it, including meals, bones, biscuits, peanuts, apples and chocolate. Once the landlord will try to bubble gum, stick to the teeth have been, Ha ha ... ... ..

10 o'clock yesterday, the warm sunshine, I was lying in the yard of the house on a rocking chair reading books, teas, I like it the most. Rhubarb's my house cat, as gentle as he will always be in my rocking chair next to the languidly in the sun.

This time from a landlord. I have to shake a tail, I smile back to it.

The landlord also hard to shake a tail: "Hello, Dear A Mao."

"Look claws!" "Do you like the Bears, also son of a bitch than the ugly, but still want to attack me when I was not Fa Wei Bing Mao! Give you color!" Cats are not very grateful, in the host's nose left deep Zhao Yin deep, and then jump to avoid me. I am distressed to see the dog's nose, psychological, said: "You really easy Goua injured." Gently rubbing my hands with a dog's nose, the landlord knew that I hurt it in, with not a care about the cat. Such a thing did not know how many times. I always thought: "We are under the same roof, why do not live in harmony? We must make scars?"

Dear friends, you know why cats and dogs are always fighting it? Cat is pleasing to the eye does not see a dog or dogs would have to play on it? Perhaps you feel that cats and dogs and should not. But you do not know, as we like cats and dogs is between the communication and understanding problems.

Sanzhao a tiger, one game down to pounce, and the other is by grasping claws, tail with three-game sweep. Tiger by the tail in the attack, the first should shake a few tail to the wind and demonstrations, and then attack.

Dogs, said the friendly, Yao Weiba. Cats and tigers, are cats, said Yao Weiba For them to attack.

When the dog saw the cat, a dog is always Yao Weiba: "Hello, I am very glad to meet you, my dear cats."

Cats, of course, would like to be: "You look at the bear-like than the son of a bitch also ugly, but still want to attack me when I was not Fa Wei Bing Mao! Give you color!"

See claws! "Cat in a dog's nose often left deep Zhao Yin to" victory "ended.

But the cat is really a dog fight it? Not! The dog to the start of the friendly exchanges between the cat with attitude, but rather expressions of error, the cat was misunderstood. However, although dogs do not understand cat behavior, but also a tolerant cat.

The cat's point of view, wearing tinted glasses, prejudice and stubborn to see the dog, can not understand! Dogs see the cat does not appreciate, can not communicate, and to avoid for fear of far.

Life, with your family or friends or even their most beloved people feel that there is not the time to communicate it? Who we are feline? Who is this dog? Our intention to communicate and understand it? What we really heard the voice of the other side of it?

In our lives, because they do not understand - and can not be misunderstood tolerance, resulting in a lot of tragedy, we are a small stomach grievances, are not even have to fight not solve the problem, knifed to use.

In fact, think carefully, in between us, there really are so many barriers it? There really are so many insurmountable obstacles to it? I do not think so! When we truly listen carefully and understand each other, learn and understand tolerance, living side will be very beautiful, full of smiles everywhere .........

Sigh you have your wife does not understand you? Your friends can not communicate it? They do not really cats and dogs?

Life is good, but better life need to listen carefully, to communicate intentions, motives and intentions to understand tolerance. You show courage, self-examination, your motives treasure around them, life will be full of sunshine!

I wish to see all the articles, want to know and understand tolerance, you can bring more happiness and happy life!
第3个回答  2008-09-25

Promote Tolerance, Encourage Understanding

Nowadays the world has become more colourful
than ever. It is normally that each society
consists of different members. But sometimes,
as the experience shows, for some people it is
quite hard to accept this diversity. Some people
simply have homophobia, xenophobia; some of
them are sexists or even racists. But we cannot
live in a tolerant world if there still people live
who are afraid of unknown, if there are people
who think that women do not have the same
rights the men have etc. To my mind each of
us is responsible for taking an active part to
promote tolerance and encourage understanding.
So searching for the answer to the given question:
what can I do to promote tolerance, to
encourage understanding? Actually I could not
imagine myself in the role of just a lecturer
who tries to explain that it is important to be
tolerant, especially if I have to tell it to youngsters.
I can already see their bored faces. It is
the easiest way to tell about something even
giving some examples, but actually people are
tired of this information flood. They are already
enough fed up with the information booklets
before the entering the European Union. So
this explanation action should be done in a different
way. The thing I can do is to give the
information to the local society but try to do
that in an interactive way. Promoting tolerance
should become like a topic of advertisement.
And advertisements work to all human senses.
They are audible, visual, and touchable. They
can shock, they can fascinate and they can put
smile on your lips. The thing I could try is to
make a kind of advertising action for tolerance
in my local community.
The first thing that comes to my mind to fascinate
people is culture. The diversity of culture is
so amazing and culture is so universal because
it includes so many topics. For example, why
do people enjoy travelling so much? They like
to see other cultures; they love to try national
dishes abroad, see national dances, and listen
to national music. Looking at the problem
xenophobia – it is actually fear from unknown.
It is fear from strangers, fear from people with
different skin colour, fear from different religious
beliefs etc. So the thing I could do: turn
the unknown and strange into the well known.
And what could be better than introducing
people with different cultures. In my local
community the biggest problem connected
with intolerance action is a kind of xenophobia
to Romes. People are still afraid of them and
many residents still have the stereotype if it is a
Gipsy then probably he is a criminal. However,
that is the reason we know very little about
their culture. But the whole world enjoys “The
Gipsy King” music; the whole world loves the
passion in the Gipsies’ dance. What could be
better than show their dances or playing their
national music in the streets of my town -
Talsi? I could make an event in the streets of
Talsi where the Romes’ musicians could play
the guitars and sing their songs, their dancers
could show their dances and their passers-by
could join them. They could see that Romes are
talented and they have so wonderful and wide
souls. I could show them a small part of different
culture. And as Albert Einstein, the famous
physicist, has said “With knowledge comes
When thinking about the problems connected
with intolerance in our society my mind catches
the word sexism. Maybe we even think that it
is not a problem and maybe the men and
women get the same salary but there are still
some stereotypes according to the role of men
and women in the society and in the house.
My point of view is that there are no unique
women duties that only they can do for example,
cooking, washing-up, doing the laundry
etc. So the thing I could do: is to change Domestic
Science lessons between boys and girls
at my school for a month, probably. Make the
boys change turnery to cooking and the girls
change knitting to making bird-cages. To my
mind that could just make the right world outlook,
both sexes can do the same things and
there are no things that could not be done by
one of the sexes. And if this has been shown to
children when they are still growing and not
when already 20 they are still flexible and can
change their opinion then maybe after some
years when someone asks something about
sexism we could just answer: “Sexism, what is
But all the problems are actually connected
with the part that we sometimes see differences
and we cannot accept that we all are
similar, that a person with a different skin colour
is the same human being as you are. The
action I could make would be painting people
in the streets with one colour stripes showing
them that they all are in the same colour and
they are the same for example. They all have
the stripes on their faces in the same colour. As
the history shows that colour can unite and
hopefully this painting action could open
somebody’s eyes.
Taking everything into account, there are still
different problems connected with intolerance.
And each of us can do something to improve
the situation. In my point of view information
should become as an advertisement which attracts
one’s attention. All the street actions or
some cultural events, painting one colour stripe
on everyone’s face will show we all are similar,
changing some lessons at school, everything
can help to achieve the aim – promote tolerance
and encourage understanding. I can do all
of them trying to show my responsibility into
taking an active part to promote tolerance and
encourage understanding. That is my strong
Mārtiņš Dambergs


第4个回答  2008-10-09
我的故事发生在……(这里插入故事 故事内容略).
